前面3 个应该很好理解, 如果顺利执行完毕, 那么就返回ESP_AT_RESULT_CODE_OK, 最终在串口上面会输出"OK", 如果返回的是ESP_AT_RESULT_CODE_ERROR,ESP_AT_RESULT_CODE_FAIL, 那么最终会在串口上面输出"ERROR" ESP_AT_RESULT_CODE_SEND_OK和ESP_AT_RESULT_CODE_SEND_FAIL可以用在这样的一个场景, 比如基于TCP...
AT+CIPRECVLENquery command can return the real data length now 1.2 Application Layer AT+MQTTCONNCFG: Enlarged lwt msg length to 128 bytes Added theAT+MQTTSNIcommand to set MQTT server name indication 2. Bugfix 2.1 Wi-Fi AT+CWLAP: Fixed an issue where executingAT+CWLAPmay return an ERROR...
#4 0x4203afe6 in bt_mesh_trans_recv (buf=buf@entry=0x3fcbd4b4, rx=rx@entry=0x3fcbd490) at D:/Frameworks/esp-idf-v5.1.1/components/bt/esp_ble_mesh/mesh_core/transport.c:1765 #5 0x4203469c in bt_mesh_net_recv (data=data@entry=0x3fcbd544, rssi=rssi@entry=-47 '\321', net_...
// receiverstaticIRAM_ATTRintOnDataRecv(constuint8_t*MAC,constuint8_t*incomingData,intlen){for(inti=0;i<4;i++){if(compareMAC(MAC,myDev[i].mac)){ client[i].fifo.push(incomingData,len); xTaskNotifyGive( SerialNow_USB_passthru_task ); } } } ...
} esp_http_data_t; typedef struct { char *url; char *scheme; char *host; int port; char *username; char *password; char *path; char *query; char *cert_pem; esp_http_client_method_t method; esp_http_client_auth_type_t auth_type;...
alert('port is invalid');return}if(false== isValidIP(ip_tcp)) { alert('tcp ip error');return}if(IsTimeoutValid(time_out) ==false) { alert('time_out is invalid');return}if(false== isValidIP(ip_ap)) { alert('sta ip error');return}if(false== isValidIP(gateway_ap)) { ...
if ( regvalue & SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE ) { os_printf("SPI_SLV_WR_BUF_DONE\r\n"); GPIO_OUTPUT_SET( 0, 0 ); idx = 0; memset(spi_data,0,32); while ( idx < 8 ) { recv_data = READ_PERI_REG( SPI_W0( HSPI ) + (idx << 2) ); spi_data[idx << 2] = recv_data &...
I (14627) DUEROS: PERIPH_NOTIFY_KEY_REC I (14627) REC_ENG: Recorder trigger start I (14643) DUEROS: --- rec_engine_cb --- REC_EVENT_WAKEUP_START I (14644) DUEROS: Recv Que DUER_CMD_START I (14647) AUDIO_WRAPPER: duer_dcs_get_speaker_state ...
#8 0x42091e42 in esp_tls_conn_new_sync (hostname=hostname@entry=0x3fcb7ab0 <error: Cannot access memory at address 0x3fcb7ab0>, hostlen=47, port=port@entry=443, cfg=cfg@entry=0x3fca64b4, tls=tls@entry=0x5000023c) at ../esp/esp-idf/components/esp-tls/esp_tls.c:522 ...
0x400812fc: call_start_cpu1 at /Users/tsugunao/Work/esp32/v44/esp-idf/components/esp_system/port/cpu_start.c:147 I (485) cpu_start: App cpu up. I (515) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code I (516) cpu_start: cpu freq: 160000000 ...