前段时间在bilibili看到了用esp8266开发板做了一个wifi Jammer(wifi杀手),当时觉得好牛逼好新奇于是就自己也搞了一个板子。 成品非常迷你小巧,使用充电宝供电即可。只不过散热非常差,长时间运行担忧啊。 原理是通过发送取消认证报文让客户端以为路由器需要让自己断开连接从而断开wifi,伪造路由器向客户端发送取消认证报文...
2、 打开Wifi Jammer> esp8266_deauther,用Arduino打开esp8266_deauther.ino文件 3、 在“工具”中选择对应的ESP8266型号,本文中用的是NodeMCU 0.9,如果不行可以尝试选择NodeMCU 1.0 或Generic ESP8266 Module 4、 在“工具”中,选择“编译器”> ArduinoISP 5、 在“工具”中,选择对应的端口号 6、 上传成功 第...
在Arduino 中打开 Wifi Jammer > esp8266_deauther > esp8266_deauther.ino 在Tools > Board中选择 ESP8266。我使用的是 NodeMCU 0.9,但您可以尝试使用 NodeMCU 1.0 或通用 ESP8266 模块。 从Tools > Programmer > ArduinoISP中选择编程器 从Tools > Port中选择正确的端口号 烧录(Upload) 您的Wifi 干扰器现在...
在Arduino 中打开 Wifi Jammer > esp8266_deauther > esp8266_deauther.ino 在Tools > Board中选择 ESP8266。我使用的是 NodeMCU 0.9,但您可以尝试使用 NodeMCU 1.0 或通用 ESP8266 模块。 从Tools > Programmer > ArduinoISP中选择编程器 从Tools > Port中选择正确的端口号 烧录(Upload) 您的Wifi 干扰器现在...
Today we are going to make a Wi-Fi Jammer or a deauther using an ESP8266 board. Watch the video on my channel to see the board in action! I also added a LiPo battery to the ESP8266 board so that it becomes a portable machine that can fit into a pocket and can be taken and used...
Scan for WiFi devices, block selected connections, create dozens of networks and confuse WiFi scanners!
Please don't refer to this project as "jammer", that totally undermines the real purpose of this project! Supported Devices You can flash this software yourself onto any ESP8266, but if you would like to support me, you can get one of these cool boards that are made especially for this...
摘要:https://anky.cc/esp8266-deauther-wifi-jammer/ https://github.com/spacehuhn http://tieba.baidu.com/p/5120958849?see_lz=1&traceid= http://tieba.baidu.co 阅读全文 posted @ 2019-04-18 00:58 MKT-porter 阅读(853) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 WIFI...
YouTube Subscriber Counter With ESP8266 2. WIFI杀手 哈哈,这个名字听起来霸气吧,可以神不知鬼不觉的让正常上网的WiFi断掉。 WIFI JAMMER 我上大学的时候,对一个经常熬夜上网拿机械键盘打游戏的室友简直恨之入骨ヽ(`⌒´)ノ,让他断网才是正确的骚操作!不过出去租房一个人住还是最好不过了╮( •́ω...
Many refer to this project as a WiFi jammer. This is problematic, because this firmware isnotturning your ESP8266 into a radio or frequency jammer. But this is how most people imagine it without further explaination. So if you like to learn more about the difference, we made a whole video...