stratified language- a language that cannot be used as its own metalanguage unstratified language- a programming language that (like natural language) can be used as its own metalanguage list-processing language,LISP- a flexible procedure-oriented programing language that manipulates symbols in the fo...
Generally speaking, they are completely unusable for programming even in theory, trivial and less interesting variations on existing esoteric languages, or too underspecified to determine any potential usability.” []...
You can see the full list of commands here. play Plays program. stop Stops program. run Runs current frame. bpm:140 Sets bpm speed to 140. apm:160 Animates bpm speed to 160. frame:0 Sets the frame value to 0. skip:2 Adds 2, to the current frame value. rewind:2 Removes 2, to...
list awesome esoteric awesome-list esolang Updated Sep 26, 2023 kspalaiologos / malbolge-lisp Sponsor Star 478 Code Issues Pull requests A lightweight (350MB) Lisp interpreter in Malbolge Unshackled, often dubbed the hardest turing complete programming language. programming-language lisp esoteric...
Select a language: esotéricaesotéricasesotéricoesotéricosobscuro esoteric [ˌesəʊˈterɪk]ADJ→esotérico Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 20...
Computers.(of programming or a programming language) designed to test or explore an unusual programming concept, regardless of its usefulness. Discover More Other Words From es·o·ter·i·cal·lyadverb non·es·o·ter·icadjective non·es·o·ter·i·cal·lyadverb ...
Archontic Programming,Armageddon Software,Ars Goetia,Ars Goetia Demon,Ars Goetia Demons,Artificial Cloned Versions,Artificial Intelligence,Artificial Intelligence (AI),Artificial Matrix,Artificial Tree of Life,Aryan Race Racism,Ascended Masters,Ascension,Ascension and Disclosure Hijack,Ascension Cycle,Ascension ...
javascript language programming esoteric-language esoteric yoruba Updated Sep 4, 2020 JavaScript angrykoala / awesome-esolangs Sponsor Star 251 Code Issues Pull requests Curated list of awesome Esoteric languages and resources list awesome esoteric awesome-list esolang Updated Dec 30, 2020 ...
There are a number of popular problems to solve and show the ability of an esoteric programming language, the list is here: The main problems to solve are: Program that calculates the factorial of a digit. (added by Discord user Jjony # 5227, fa...
Malluscript is not strictly type-safe.The language supports integer,float and string literals as primary datatypes and it also support compound datatype called List. To assign it some value and declare a variable variable_name = 1; second_var = "ente string"; ...