Again, this is such a vast and tangled topic much of it falls outside of the scope of this article, but I will link a couple videos about the Scythians the pre-Egyptian Aryans of the East that explains some of this in a little more detail and I will cover all of this here on ...
My new YouTube channel is :Thoth Tarot Videos. The Thoth Emperor Video can be viewed clicking the image link below: (ii) Thoth Emperor The wordEmperormeans “he who sets in order” and the Thoth Emperor looks towards the Empress. The Empress stands for the universal, the totality and the...
A music file player is only as good as its remote control app, and Esoteric’s app is called Esoteric Sound Stream, which runs only on iPads and is available free from (where else?) Apple’s App Store. I’ll discuss Esoteric Sound Stream in detail in the next section. Esoteric marketi...
Eyes have pupils =one of 2 court card figures with this detail added, the other being the Queen of Swords which represents the first 2 decans of Libra (Crowley’s Sun Sign). Crown =Has a winged Lions head (Leo)and 11 rays. 11 is the number of magic : “Aleph is the letter of Pa...
P-05X的背面,既然是转盘(Transport),当然主要都是数位输出,若是搭配D-05X 使用,没什么好说的,最建议的就是使用两条HDMI线连接,也就是使用自家的ES- LINK4数位介面,CLOCK SYNC则是接收来自G-02X的时脉讯号。 P-05X可切换要读取SACD或CD层,前方的「停止键」按2秒就可马上切换,相当方便,用家也可在选单...
Manifesting what is desire through analysis and detail. This is the energy that calculates, plans and reassesses in order find the most productive outcome. Whatever is placed here can be refined and retooled as excess and the unnecessary components that prevent strong foundations can be released.Thi...
I found the Esoteric surprisingly respectable as a linestage, directly driving an amp. It is quiet, smooth and refined. True, it is also rolled off at the top and dynamically mellow, but neither to a degree that obscures detail or renders the presentation boring. The overall density of inf...
Thanks mate, it’s been great getting another pair of eyes with such an attention to detail. Nice work. You may now have a small insight into the amount of work the 200+ rules summaries on this site have required… Hopefully we’ve got the definitive Sedition Wars summary and reference...
创办于1978年的日本视听名机赏(Audio Excellence Award)是日本音频界最具权威的奖项,哪怕在国际上也是有不俗的影响力。 该活动由日本“株式会社音元出版”主办,多位日本视听行业的资深评论家,评选出一批具备技术亮点、并预测将在市场广受欢迎并热卖的新锐视听产品。
SouthwestSkt = Raksa (male); Raksais, Rākṣasīs (female). Among Hindu demons, the Raksa torture and feed upon the flesh of the dead (those who were evil while living); like thethese creatures become guardian deities once introduced to Buddhism; right hand often holds a sword. The Rāk...