The meaning of ESOTERIC is designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone. How to use esoteric in a sentence. What is the opposite of esoteric?
Esoteric definition: understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite. See examples of ESOTERIC used in a sentence.
RECENT SEARCHES orthodoxy nomogram grayish brown esoteric scrappiness ninth more than mephitis length sprouted word of the day esoteric - Dictionary definition and meaning for wordesoteric Definition (adj) confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle ...
The meaning of ESOTERIC is designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone. How to use esoteric in a sentence. What is the opposite of esoteric?
esoteric「深奥的」的运用及起源 Word of the Day : February 2, 2021 esoteric 深奥的;只有内行才懂得的;难理解的 adjective ess-uh-TAIR-ik Definition 1 :designed for or understood by those with specific knowledge or training : difficult to understand 设定好的或为供特定知识的(经训练的)人理解的...
SCSimplified Chinese只有内行才懂的mì chuán de,zhǐ yǒu nèi háng cái dǒng de The monks at this monastery are the keepers of ancient, esoteric knowledge. 在这些条目还发现'esoteric': 在英文解释里: arcane-recondite 在单词列表中:My list of words,更多…… ...
Define esoterically. esoterically synonyms, esoterically pronunciation, esoterically translation, English dictionary definition of esoterically. adj. 1. a. Intended for or understood by only a small group, especially one with specialized knowledge or int
Esoteric sciencemeaning is different for everyone. Contentsshow More and more people use the word “esoteric,” Among other things, it has become commonplace to say that symbolism usually has an “esoteric meaning.” Some, therefore, believe that esoteric means “mysterious” or “mystery,” but...
Define Esoteric knowledge. Esoteric knowledge synonyms, Esoteric knowledge pronunciation, Esoteric knowledge translation, English dictionary definition of Esoteric knowledge. n. 1. Esoteric teachings or practices. 2. The quality or condition of being eso
Applying this definition we can say that Cheth pertains to destroying any fences (barriers) that lie in the way of your progress in life spiritually or materially. We become liberated into a new perspective of who we are as we shed false precepts of ourselves. ...