This is the long and arduous battle within the mind (the crucifixion of Golgotha, the skull / mind) or church, of the human being. For the church is not the body itself, but an aspect of the mind which is free from personal desires and pulls of our limiting and transient personalities....
”[36]The practices and rituals of the Valentinians were also different from those of the Christian Church; however the Valentinians considered themselves to be Christians and not pagans or heretics. By referring to themselves as Christians they worsened their relationship with the Church, who ...
folks - "Secret Registration" using a Post Office box in Swannanoa, North Carolina. This also, curiously, is the very same address as theBiofeedback Association of North Americaand there are others as well. You can become part of theAlliance of Christian Healers(...
This concept is even mentioned in the Christian Gnostic gospels in the Gospel of Thomas where it is written: Jesus said: Split wood, I am there. Lift up a rock, you will find me there. If your leaders say to you ‘Look! The Kingdom is in the heavens!” Then the birds will be th...
In case a person has a tumor growing, or warts of any kind upon his body, he or she shall go to church and, when he no負ices two persons speaking to each other, he shall touch the humor or wart, and recite three times: What I see is a great sin and shame, and what I touch...
and there is yet a street near this tower which bears the title of "Rue Nicolas Flamel," so that his memory still survives in Paris, together with that of the church close to which he lived, and to which, after the attainment of the Philosopher's Stone, he and his wife Pernelle caus...