English Club*"Welcome to English Club, a site to help you learn English or teach English as a second language. Access to all pages is free. You'll find everything from lessons for students to jobs for teachers, including interactive pages such as forums, games, quizzes, chat, help and ...
The findings indicate that, while an overwhelming majority of east Europeans intend to remain in the UK, there is a substantial mismatch between the existing skills of migrant workers and the low-skill, low-wage jobs they perform. However, the limited propensity of local employers to train and...
brother, Paul, left home to get married; John, the second one, and I left home in our teens to look for work. We all now have good jobs but Michael works on short-term contracts as a lorry driver and is badly paid.
The Language MenuOnline tools for teachers to create worksheets in different languages Job-Applications.com - tutoring and education jobs- Apply for teaching jobs online. News Latest developments AlbanianArabicArmenianAzeriBelarusianBengaliBosnianBulgarianChinese-SimplifiedChinese-TraditionalCroatianCzechDanishDutch...
This lesson is about the topic of jobs in travel and tourism. You will start by thinking about some different jobs in travel and tourism and then go on to read a short text about how many people work in tourism related jobs in different parts of the UK. You will also focus on some ...
Service Industry Jobs Football Jobs Action Verbs At The Park At The Airport At The Seaside Indoor Games Gardening Hobbies and Interests The Beatles Types of TV Programmes Places to Shop Going Shopping African Countries The Louvre About Town (UK) Places in a City (US) Australia Fire Safe...
PDAInESOLTutoring PractitionerSurvey JenniferMacDougall ESOLDevelopmentOfficer jennifer.macdougall@sqa.uk http://.sqa/pdaesol Sectors-managers •Highestsector-communitybased •2ndhighestFEsector •Othersmainlyschools •Onerespondentfromindependent ...
(n) engine station engineer stop Weather fog warm foggy Work and jobs shop assistant manager shopper boss earn mechanic meeting staff business engineer businessman musician businesswoman factory tennis player farm occupation cleaner travel agent coach (n) painter © 2014 National Geographic Learning, ...
Life in The UK | English for Work | Listening This interactive multiple choice quiz about working for The Royal Household will help you practise your listening skills. Task 1 - First Listening Watch this short video about royal butler Lindsay Steele talking about her job. Listen for the main...
Important Reminder:As a job board, we offer a platform for employers to post job openings. We verify all jobs and companies before they are published on our platform. However, we do not act as the employer or participate in the hiring process. TeacherRecord strictly prohibits employers from ...