Proccing your Weapon EnchantsWeapon enchantments can be proc’d either with light or heavy attacks, or with any AoE DoT ability from a weapon skill line. This means that if you want to activate your Restoration Staff’s enchant, you need to be sure to light attack weave on that bar or ...
your weapon enchant more reliably (as it can trigger your enchant with every tick of the blockade). With an infused weapon your enchant cooldown is 5 seconds and the duration is also 5 seconds, meaning that with a well placed blockade you can get very high uptimes on your enchant. ...
damageand reducing their Armor by 400 for 5 seconds. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage. The axe drops to the ground after traveling to your target for 5 seconds. Touching the axe reduces the cooldown of this set by 5 ...
Aim for 100% uptime on Barbed Trap, this will ensure we are getting the most out of our critical strikes. Look to cast your ultimate on cooldown during each boss fight, unless you should be saving your ult, cast it! Activate your potions on cooldown, this will ensure you have zero su...
Weapon 1 An error occurred retrieving the set data 2h Sword Sharpened Disease Crafted Weapon 2 An error occurred retrieving the set data Bow Infused Weapon/Spell Damage Vet Dragonstar Arena NOTE: If you don’t have access to the Master’s Bow, you can just use a Hunding’s Bow on the ...
Weapon 2Thunderous VolleyorBriarheartBowInfusedWeapon Damage Enchant Gear Setup 3 Beginner GearSetWeightTraitEnchantment ChestHunding’s RageMediumDivineHealth BeltHunding’s RageMediumDivineStamina ShoesHunding’s RageMediumDivineStamina PantsHunding’s RageMediumDivineStamina ...
Weapon 2Hunding’s RageDaggerInfusedWeapon Damage Enchant Where can I get the gear? Perfected Arms of Relequen: vCloudrest Arms of Relequen: Cloudrest Pillar of Nirn: Falkreath Hold Dungeon Perfected Spectral Cloak(Maelstrom 2H): vBlackrose Prison Arena ...
Weapon 1 S&BBriarheartShieldDivineStamina Weapon 2Perfected Thunderous VolleyBowInfusedWeapon Damage Enchant Gear Setup without Mythic item Here we basically have the same setup as the first one, but without the Mythic item. GearSetWeightTraitEnchantment ...
Weapon 2Thunderous VolleyorBriarheartBowInfusedWeapon Damage Enchant Gear Setup 3 Beginner GearSetWeightTraitEnchantment ChestHunding’s RageMediumDivineHealth BeltHunding’s RageMediumDivineStamina ShoesHunding’s RageMediumDivineStamina PantsHunding’s RageMediumDivineHealth ...
Weapon 2 Spectral Cloak Dagger Infused Weapon Damage Enchant Gear Setup 3 Beginner This setup is for new players. You want to craft or ask someone to craft 5x Hunding’s Rage and 4x Night Mother’s Gaze. 3x Agility jewelry can be bought in the guildstores for little money. GearSetWeight...