24.05.2024 Updated the Build for the Gold Road Chapter U42. 20.08.2024 Updated the Build for Update 43, Gold Road Chapter. 04.11.2024 Updated the Build for Update 44, Gold Road Chapter. Tags: Stamina Dragonknight PvP Build, Stamina DK PvP, Stam DK PvP Build, Heavy Armor Stamina Dragonkn...
22.05.2024 Updated the Build for the Gold Road Chapter U42. 20.08.2024 Updated the Build for Update 43, Gold Road Chapter. 28.10.2024 Updated the Build for Update 44, Gold Road Chapter. Tags: Solo Stamina Dragonknight Build, Solo Stam DK Build ESO. Other Solo Builds: ESO Stamina Arcanist...
Takes some getting used to and you may need to play around with your build in more stamina intensive situations, but it’s still usable everywhere. Learn to roll dodge/bash weave some to help keep your stam low so you can proc it on cooldown easily. Z’ens Redress Another huge debuff...
PVP stam warden No Comments Damage (DPS) Tank Warden Author: OIGxBamBam Class: WARDEN Race: Orc Main Role: Damage Health, Magicka, Stamina HEALTHMAGICKASTAMINA 18k11.8k29.7k Skills Bar 1 Weapon 1: Two Handed Two Handed Skill Executioner...
shield - max stam - infused bar 2: weapon - life drain - decisive weapon - life drain - decisive General Info food - longfin pasty with melon sauce (any tri stat) potions - tri-stat (can use stam pots for extra damage during trash or easy fights, i never bother) ...
-DK/Knight—Dragonknight -NB/Blade—Nightblade -Plar—Templar -Sorc—Sorcerer Prefixes Bomb- —See “Bomber” in the PvP section. Bot-/EZ/Cheese—A damage dealer that deals a lot of damage with little effort or an easy rotation. Bow- —A character that uses a bow on both bars. ...
-DK/Knight—Dragonknight -NB/Blade—Nightblade -Plar—Templar -Sorc—Sorcerer Prefixes Bomb- —See “Bomber” in the PvP section. Bot-/EZ/Cheese—A damage dealer that deals a lot of damage with little effort or an easy rotation. Bow- —A character that uses a bow on both bars. ...
DK- Dragonknight (class) DM- Direct Message DoM – Depth of Malatar (dungeon) DoT- Damage over Time DPS- Damage Per Second. Can literally mean how much damage a character does per second or can denote a character that does damage as their role in dungeons/trials Drops – Items that can...
上古卷轴OL ESO - 链子法龙 PvE 130.6k DPS Build - Scribes of Fate by Ry 上古卷轴OL - PVP现阶段详解 命运书写师版本 ESO - Swashbuckler Supreme - Zen's-alkosh DK by KoalaSupremo 上古卷轴OL - 重击法 SOLO TRIFECTA 唤鳞者之巅 上古卷轴OL ESO - 法夜 PVE Build (136k+) - Scribes of...
升金甲 + Kuta 武器升金很重要 (效果顯著) 防具升金非必要 (差異不到5% 七件升金約17萬) FG1頭肩,中甲>重甲,Divines>Infused 重甲建議保留備用,適時替換重甲 (血+2000 抗+1000) 防一些王的秒殺技,DPS不差幾百 (卻比躺地板多幾萬DPS) 註:如何取得怪物頭肩 註:裝備與套裝製作 耐系常用套裝 製作 Hun...