武器技能加成主要有Major Minor Brutality/Sorcery的buff分别为20%和5%,破晓5%,战士工会每个技能3%,圣殿被动6%,法师被动每个技能3%和中甲被动12%。法系技能加成目前只有,Major/Minor Sorcery的20%和5%,一共25%。队伍物理系来说,DK和NB基本为攻击力加成*1.48倍,法师和圣殿一般在1.54倍到1.6倍之间。 3楼2017-05-...
Critical Surge: Gives you Major Sorcery (20% Spell Damage) and also heals on crits. Twilight Matriach: Has to be slotted on both bars. This is your main heal, the pet will passively attack the enemy and when you activate the skill, it will heal you. Shooting Star: While this is slot...
Please make sure to use Degeneration and Inner Light to get the Major Sorcery and Prophecy buff, which you usually get from the expensive Spell Power Potions. Essence of Magicka (Magicka) Passives Grave Lord: Reusable Parts, Death Knell, Dismember, Rapid Rot Bone Tyrant: Death Gleaning, ...
Set bonuses in ESO do stack if they are not named bonuses. For example if you get Major Sorcerey (20% Spell Damage buff) from two different sources, only one counts. However, if I get Major Sorcery and Minor Sorcery, they will stack because a Major + a Minor can be stacked together...
Trash magicka potions are also fine if you’re not in hard content/already have the Major Sorcery + Prophecy. Tri-stat potions are also an option, and can make stamina management easier when using MK. Passives Class (All), Restoration Staff (All), Destruction Staff (All except tri-focus ...
(1 item) While equipped, you are unable to swap between your Primary and Backup Weapon Sets and gain Major Berserk, Major Courage, Major Brutality, Major Sorcery, Major Prophecy, Major Savagery, Major Force, Major Protection, Major Resolve, Minor Fortitude, Minor Intellect, Minor Endurance, and...
Trash magicka potions are also fine if you’re not in hard content/already have the Major Sorcery + Prophecy. Tri-stat potions are also an option, and can make stamina management easier when using MK. Passives Class (All), Restoration Staff (All), Destruction Staff (All except tri-focus ...
✅Versatile Playstyles:Capable of fulfilling DPS, tank, and healer roles effectively. ✅Unique Mechanics:Utilizes corpses and summons, offering a distinctive play experience. ✅Strong Area Damage:Access to powerful area-of-effect abilities. ...
Buffed: In combat, pet, buff food, Major Sorcery, Major Prophecy, Major Resolve, Minor Prophecy, Tzogvin’s Warband full and Weapon Damage enchantment active. Gear Solo Magicka Sorcerer I have chosen a double Lightning destruction staff setup with this build because it is easier to set enemies...
Blue Betty:You need to keep this up in order to restore Magicka. It does this over 25 seconds and additionally grants you Major Brutality and Major Sorcery, increasing your Spell Damage by a total of 20%! Also, if you are inflicted by a debuff on yourself, it will also remove 1 negati...