Oakensoul Ring: This Mythic item grants 17 total buffs, including Major Sorcery, Major Brutality, and Major Savagery.Oakensoul Ring is a perfect item for a one-bar build. Iceheart (Monster set): The 1-piece Iceheart gives extra Critical Chance. The weight doesn't matter, but you'll want...
One Bar Builds for all Classes in ESO (The Elder Scrolls Online). 1 Bar Builds for solo and group content.
Skills Stamblade PVP Build Two Hander MainbarBow bar Slot 1: Rally Slot 1: Leeching Strikes Slot 2: Relentless Focus Slot 2: Shuffle Slot 3: Surprise Attack Slot 3: Poison Injection Slot 4: Ambush Slot 4: Shadowy Disguise Slot 5: Piercing Mark Slot 5: Resolving Vigor Ultimate: Incapacita...
Powerful One Bar Healer Arcanist Build for ESO. Advanced and Beginner Setups for the Arcanist class in The Elder Scrolls Online.
-NB/Blade—Nightblade -Plar—Templar -Sorc—Sorcerer Prefixes Bomb- —See “Bomber” in the PvP section. Bot-/EZ/Cheese—A damage dealer that deals a lot of damage with little effort or an easy rotation. Bow- —A character that uses a bow on both bars. ...
-NB/Blade—Nightblade -Plar—Templar -Sorc—Sorcerer Prefixes Bomb- —See “Bomber” in the PvP section. Bot-/EZ/Cheese—A damage dealer that deals a lot of damage with little effort or an easy rotation. Bow- —A character that uses a bow on both bars. ...
Companion Bar: Destructive Blast,Elemental Barricade, Starfall, Drake’s Blood, Vanish, Unleashed Rage Stamina DPS GEAR 7 Medium Companion’s Bow or Dual Wield 1h Weapons Traits: Aggressive ABILITIES Companion Bow Bar: Trick Shot, Viper’s Bite, Sniping Silver, Piercing Arrow,Vanish, Unleashed Ra...
NB- Nightblade (class) Necro- Necropotence (set) NMA – New Moon Acolyte (crafted set) NPC – non-player character O OP- Overpowered P PoTL – Power of the Light Pots- Potions Proc- Programmed Random Occurrence PUG- Pick Up Group PvE- Player vs Environment PvP- Player vs Player Q QQ...
One Bar Magicka Sorcerer Build optimized for Maelstrom Arena and Vateshran Hollows Arena. Huge Shield, Crazy Sustain & Damage!
One Bar Builds for every class in ESO (Elder Scrolls Online). One Bar Templar, Necromancer, Nightblade, Sorcerer, Dragonknight, Warden.