What items does the Golden Vendor offer? Each week, the Golden Vendor offers: Four different sets of jewelry in legendary quality:Two from dungeons and two from overland sets. Two monster set helms or shoulders in epic quality:These are typically obtained from dungeons. This selection allows pla...
Tusks of the Orc-Father (Picture) Purple Treasure Chests, Public Dungeon Bosses, Monsters, Urns Furnishing Advanced Anvil of Old Orsinium (Picture) Gold Public Dungeon Old Orsinium Monsters & Bosses Furnishing Ultimate Malacath’s Brutal Might Loop (Mythic Item) Gold Public Dungeon Boss Old Orsiniu...
28 @aenrethDryad Caoimhe Oakleaf 142,129 28 @AustinDFlowersDro D'argo 142,129 28 @Bartek420PLdarkbartek 142,129 28 @Chris_SkullDusty Crux Nuts 142,129 28 @crosbymeisterBongus Bingus 142,129 28 @Dark_WhisperJerry Souls Shepherd 142,129 28 @happy_p1neappleHappy Pineapple 142,129 28 @ji...