Where to find all Leads for the Oakensoul Ring Mythic Item in ESO, a special ring that provides several buffs for One Bar Builds. Latest News All Apocryphal Clothier Station Leads in ESO ArzyeL Where to find all 5 Leads for the Apocrypha Clothier Station in ESO. How to get the Apocrypha...
Oakensoul Ringis a Mythic item set that can be acquired through collecting five leads:Igneous Inlays,Larimar Gems,Petrified Oak Loop,Sacred ResinandStone Shank Frame. The mythic set limits you to one bar, therefore this is ideal forone bar builds. The Mythic item set gives you access to a...
Oakensoul Ring is a Mythic item set that can be acquired through collecting five leads: Igneous Inlays, Larimar Gems, Petrified Oak Loop, Sacred Resin and Stone Shank Frame. The mythic set limits you to one bar, therefore this is ideal for one bar builds. The Mythic item set gives you ...
Oakensoul Ring Mythic(1 item)While equipped, you are unable to swap between your Primary and Backup Weapon Sets and gainMinor Berserk,Minor Courage,Major Brutality,Major Sorcery,Major Prophecy,Major Savagery,Minor Force,Minor Protection,Major Resolve,Minor Mending,Minor Fortitude,Minor Intellect,Minor...
Grants a synergy to you or allies that grants themEmpowerandMinor Force. Lightweight Beast TrapLaunch a sharpened blade trap at a target location, which takes 1.5 seconds to arm and lasts for 20 seconds. When triggered, the trap deals1161 Bleed Damage, an additional3470 Bleed Damageover 20 ...
There are plenty more buffs that the Oakensoul Ring provides. If you don’t have the Oakensoul Ring you will obviously deal less damage than with it with this build. The build will of course still work but you will deal less damage when you are using the secondary setup of the One Bar...