Tank PvP A work in progress (sorc) ren3867-Updated 6 hours ago 2 Sorcerer Stamina Damage Dealer PvE Anastasia Barill Boss + Trash Setup Basskid-Updated 6 hours ago Sorcerer Tank PvE Andy alternative Mcshurli-Updated 6 hours ago Sorcerer ...
If your main focus is to PvP eventually, you can use a 2h instead of dual wielding, and even have the option to try 1h/shield. You may want to use a 5 heavy, 1 med, 1 light setup if you plan to PvP. Heavy allows you to be tankier at the sacrifice of some damage, while medi...
The boss will also shoot a fire wave towards the tank from time to time, try to avoid it as it deals quite a bit of damage.At 80% a melee battlemage will spawn, make sure to focus that mob because it will place negate on the group which can kill you if you do not move out ...
Baldur’s Gate 3 Builds Magicka Arcanist Build ESO Magicka Sorcerer Build ESO Templar Healer Build ESO Dragonknight Tank Build ESO Alcasthq.com creates builds and guides for games. Please view the menu to see the currently supported games. ....
Destructive Clench (morph): The Frost version of this ability still remains tank-focused rather than DPS-focused, and as such has received a cost reduction to 1485, down from 2700. It also applies Major Maim for 5 seconds at rank IV. Developer Comment: Spoiler With the introduction of the...