Best ESO Addons. Top 10 Addons. A full list of the most important ESO addons. Map Pins, Hodor Reflexes, LUI Extended and more!
In order to proc its 5-piece bonus on both bars, you must have another staff of that same set on both bars. However, there are lots of sets that don’t need to be run on both bars to be used effectively. This opens up the opportunity for us to use a Unique Weapon (staff) on ...
The ESO Armory System allows players to save, customize, and load builds, all from the comfort of their own house or via an Armory Assistant!
there are addons, most notably combat metrics, which give a far more detailed report of the fight/parse. parsing is a good way to practice, especially for group pve damage dealers, but many endgame pve guilds have dps requirements which are shown from the fight report of a target dummy ...
group, especially a trial group, to help show where they are. Supports may do this or emote at the beginning so people know who to look for mid-fight if one dies or must perform special mechanics. Or at the end a person may jump to show where they are if they have something to ...
group, especially a trial group, to help show where they are. Supports may do this or emote at the beginning so people know who to look for mid-fight if one dies or must perform special mechanics. Or at the end a person may jump to show where they are if they have something to ...
group, especially a trial group, to help show where they are. Supports may do this or emote at the beginning so people know who to look for mid-fight if one dies or must perform special mechanics. Or at the end a person may jump to show where they are if they have something to ...
Without addons this is done with basic dps information in your chat box after ending combat with a dummy in any player home. On PC it’s preferred to have a full breakdown of your stats in a Combat Metrics report. Most end game guilds have build and minimum dps requirements require ...
group, especially a trial group, to help show where they are. Supports may do this or emote at the beginning so people know who to look for mid-fight if one dies or must perform special mechanics. Or at the end a person may jump to show where they are if they have something to ...
CPM—Casts per Minute. Though this rarely comes up on the forums or in normal gameplay, CPM is occasionally tracked in high-tier endgame play with the help of addons on PC. It shows how active a player is in performing skills and LA weaving. ...