moment and also doesn’t require any micro management as it procs from just dealing damage. It is a medium armor set so preferably wear it on jewelry and weapon. The damage also applies to everyone getting hit in a small radius, giving you good AoE numbers if enemies are stacked tightly...
在《上古卷轴 Online》中,角色的最高等级为 50 级。在这个等级之后,角色开始获得冠军点数 (CP),玩家可以使用这些点数来进一步自由设计自己的角色。同时,50级和冠军点数160也是一个里程碑,因为这是一个角色可以穿着最高级别装备的基本要求。 获得经验值的方法有多种,包括做任务、杀敌、刷暗锚和完成团队副本。然而,...
Everyone will need to run to the middle for the last DPS test in this trial. Just give everything you have and nuke her down. It is a good advice for your DDs to use their ultimate in this phase, not shortly before. The Mage will spam an intense AoE attack called the Arcane Vortex...
(7052ratings) Class Level Power Leveling Champion Points Power Leveling Select Server Choose your levels 1. Please select your current level and the level you want to achieve. 2. We will send you an email after the order is completed. ...
Looking at the SteamCharts numbers, we can see that ESO have almost the same number of players online as Albion Online, Path of Exile, Black Desert, Diablo IV, etc...
Zens—Z’en’s Redress (Lair of Maarselok dungeon). This is also commonly worn by a Dragonknight DPS to allow healers to run another set and because the plethora of flame damage abilities for DKs allows them to maintain good uptimes on this set's proc. ...
This is a great non-combat AddOn which allows you to sort and filter your inventory into sub-categories such as 1H Weapons, 2H Weapons, Shields, etc. This is really good and might be incorporated into ESO as a native function in the future....
The first thing that that occurred in Patch 1.6.5, which introduced the Champion System, is that the in-game numbers (stats, damage, etc) changed to much larger numbers, roughly ten times what they used to be. This was an aesthetic change designed to help display the value of small ...
He's real good because he's 100% obedient to me and does everything I say while never complaining. He knows that I am the man in the relationship and is completely submissive towards me as he should be. Originally Posted by SUH Crissi the goddess of MMO, if i may. ./bow...
combined with the bow skill-line you can set off some really good ranged damage. Bow builds are still quite the under dog as they are not widely accepted due to the smaller damage output and they are harder to play. However, with this setup you can pull off good numbers and survivability...