Channeled Focusincreases your damage mitigation and sustain andRadiant Oppressionis one of the strongest execute abilities in the game. You can play the Magicka Templar as a ranged setup if you want, but you will lose out on the benefits you gain from Puncturing Sweeps. ...
Execute: At around 20% boss health, Molag Kena tries to kill you under all circumstances. She will now summon two Lightning Walls which make it pretty hard to avoid or even dodge roll through.Hardmode Molag KenaLightning Wall: The Lightning Wall will now move a lot faster! She will ...
Their main damage ability isSurprise Attack, it deals great direct damage to a single target.Relentless Focusprovides you with extra buffs, healing and when you activate the spectral bow it also deals great single target damage. Stamina Nightblades also have one of the best execute abilities, th...
Executioner: Your execute ability, use this when the enemy is below 30%. (If you want more splash damage, use the other morph Reverse Slice) Dizzying Swing: Your main spammable, can also set enemies off balance, and can follow up with a heavy attack to regain a lot of resources and ...
Reverse Slice: Your Execute ability, also has a lot of splash AoE damage. Dizzying Swing: Deals a lot of damage and sets enemies off balance. Bird of Prey: Passively gives more damage via the Minor Berserk buff and when activated applies a speed buff called Major Expedition. Dawnbreaker of...
Radiant Glory: Your execute ability, deals a lot of damage and heals you. Purifying Light: Apply this to stack up a lot of damage that explodes at the end of the duration. Puncturing Sweeps: One of our strong AoE attacks that heal us while we deal damage. Degeneration: Very strong singl...
Executioner: Deals high execute damage on enemy close to death, use this to finish off enemies. (If you want more splash damage, use the other morph Reverse Slice) Camouflaged Hunter: Applies Major Savagery and Minor Berserk buff, this is only passively slotted. Take Flight: This is your ma...
Reverse Slice: Your execute ability that also deals nice splash damage. Echoing Vigor: Strong heal over time that lasts for a long time. We prefer this morph because the heal is already strong enough and the longer duration is better, more time to deal damage! Compared to the other morph ...
Reverse Slice: Your execute ability after 30%. Flawless Dawnbreaker: Passively grants more weapon damage. Your secondary ultimate, strong against undead and daedra. Deadly Cloak: Your main backbar damage over time area effect that procs enchants on the backbar and also sets. Barbed Trap: Deals...
Once he is at 25% of his health, additional mobs will appear, you really need to execute the Captain quickly then. This round, you will have to fight against another Flesh Atronachs and a Spiderkith Enervator mage. Kill the mage before turning to the Atronach. Round 4 In the beginning...