Slot 4: Crystal Weapon Slot 4: Energy Orb Slot 5: Twilight Matriarch Slot 5: Twilight Matriarch Ultimate: Absorption Field Ultimate: Aggressive Warhorn If you don’t have Vigor unlocked yet, check out the How to unlock the Vigor Skill Guide, it doens’t take long. Skill explanation: Radiati...
Base Scribing Skill useful to our build: Restoration Staff: Mender’s Bond Destruction Staff: Elemental Explosion (Dazing Explosion) To unlock the Mender’s Bond skill you need to reach level 25 in the Restoration Staff skill line. To unlock the Elemental Explosion skill, you need to reach lev...
Provides a unique weapon/spell damage buff. Good choice if using Saxhleel Curative Surge I REALLY want this skill to be good, but it’s kinda meh in its current form. You just don’t have much reason to be channeling a 4.5 second skill where the main purpose (healing) will be was...
Back Bar – Ice Staff: Silver Leash, Inner Rage, Refreshing Path, Elemental Blockade, Mirage, Soul Siphon Flex Skill Options The build has 1 primary flex spot on the front bar; you can fill that slot based on what build you’re using and what is needed at the time. In terms of any...
Nightblade Skill Dark Cloak Shadow Cloak Undaunted Skill Bone Surge Bone Shield Vampire Skill Devouring Swarm Bat Swarm Bar 2 Weapon 2: Dual Wield Dual Wield Skill Blood Craze Twin Slashes Assault Skill Echoing Vigor Vigor Dual Wield Skill
BrutalityIncreases Weapon Damage by 5%/20% Buff Major Class Dragonknight Active Igneous Weapons Charge you and your allies' weapons with volcanic power to gain Major Sorcery and Major Brutality, increasing your Spell Damage and Weapon Damage by 20% for 33 seconds. 1.00 BrutalityIncreases Weapon Dam...
Skill AbbreviationsWeapon Skills Cloak—Blade Cloak (Dual Wield skill line). The Deadly Cloak morph tends to be used more often. Also don’t confuse this with the cloak skill that Nightblades have. You’ll probably know based on context, or else the person will spell out which one they ...
Skill AbbreviationsWeapon Skills Cloak—Blade Cloak (Dual Wield skill line). The Deadly Cloak morph tends to be used more often. Also don’t confuse this with the cloak skill that Nightblades have. You’ll probably know based on context, or else the person will spell out which one they ...
It could be a powerful weapon in the battle against Angof the Gravesinger. Mists of Corruption Sir Lanis and the Knights of the Dragon are ready to march into Cath Bedraud to deal with Angof, but the mist rising from Angof's vines creates a hazard they can't overcome. The ...
5 items: When you deal damage with a Light or Heavy Attack, you summon an animated weapon to attack your enemies for 15 seconds. The animated weapon's basic attacks deal 95-4108 Physical damage. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds. Treasure Maps in Wrothgar Treasure Maps can be ...