Asp-Leather Strap –Lesser Sea Adders in Summerset and High Isle, they can be found along the coast. (Location Image) Gilded Disk –Mornard Falls World Boss in the High Isle and Amenos zone, on the Amenos island. (Location Image) Grand Hattu Onyx –Jewelry Crafting Writs (Crafting Writs...
Jewelry Crafting Guide for Elder Scrolls Online. Everything you need to know about jewelry crafting!
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses. There are3Crafting Set Stations in Southern Elsweyr, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion. New Moon Acolyte InFur-Forge CoveCrafting Set Station (need 9 traits). ...
Set Stations are locations in the world where you can craft items with specific item set bonuses. There are 3 Crafting Set Stations in High Isle & Amenos, discovering them is necessary for Zone Completion. Order's Wrath Set In Steadfast Hammer and Saw Crafting Set Station (need 3 traits)....
Crafting locations in Murkmire Deep Swamp Forge Naga Shaman Ruined Village Might of the Lost Legion Sweet Breeze Overlook Grave-Stake Collector Guides Chronic Chronologer Achievement Guide ESO This is the Chronic Chronologer Achievement Guide for ESO. Here you can find all the information you need ...
Overland LocationsDungeon, Trial, and Arena NamesSkill AbbreviationsItem SetsOther ESO TermsNonverbal CommunicationOther Terms—Includes general terminology and internet abbreviations. If there is something you read in one of the other sections that confuses you, take a look to see if it is explained...
* Crafting and Alchemy Calculator, glyphs description and runestone combinations. * List of all sets and skills that are in the game and their full description. * List of mundus stones. * Server status in real time. Receive notifications when the server is online or offline! * Name Generator...
Armor sets in The Rift Draugr's Heritage Overland(2 items)Adds4% Healing Taken (3 items)Adds1206 Maximum Health (4 items)Adds1206 Maximum Health (5 items)When you take damage while you are under 35% Health, you knockdown all enemies within 4 meters of you for 2 seconds and heal for ...
← Jewelry Crafting Guide Clockwork City Precursor Maker Locations Guide →ESO Gold Guide Gold in Elder Scrolls Online is often easy to come by, but it’s even easier to spend. Equipment upgrades, motif pages, house furnishing, storage chests, bank and character inventory upgrades, mount ...
Overland Locations Dungeon, Trial, and Arena Names Skill Abbreviations Item Sets Other ESO Terms Nonverbal Communication Other Terms—Includes general terminology and internet abbreviations. If there is something you read in one of the other sections that confuses you, take a look to see if it is...