You can find guides online (and on this forum) which tell you the release/chronological order of events and then you only need to pay for the next part. That also gives you more room to wait for sales and offers which might make it cheaper. (For example it's likely that sometime ...
ESO’s companions in chronological order Mirri Elendis (Blackwood DLC) You’ll have to rescue her brother and friends. Image via ZeniMax Online Studios Mirri Elendiswas added inESOwith theBlackwoodDLC. She’s a Dark Elf Nightblade with a trait that lets you find additional loot...
Firesong But if you're specifically interested in questing then it may be worth spacing out your purchases and only buying new DLC as you get to it. You can find guides online (and on this forum) which tell you the release/chronological order of events and then you only need to pay fo...