Magicka Sorcerer Pet Build PvE "Summoner" for PvE by Alcast. This is the best optimized build with pets focusing on Trials, Dungeons & Arenas!
There’s not really a rotation since we’re a healing build. Just make sure to keep your HoTs up along with your debuffs/buffs. Heavy attack when you need to. If you’re using the Master Resto, then make sure to refresh Illustrious early, and if you have time even refresh it within...
Gear Warden Tank Build You can find more good sets for tanking in the“Must Have Tanking Sets” Article. To be fully ready I recommend trying to get most of these sets and confirm with your raid leader what combinations you need them in. ...
There’s not really a rotation since we’re a healing build. Just make sure to keep your HoTs up along with your debuffs/buffs. Heavy attack when you need to. If you’re using the Master Resto, then make sure to refresh Illustrious early, and if you have time even refresh it within...
[70K DPS] Single-target Melee Magicka Nightblade DPS build [PvE, Easy] Olen_Mikko-Updated 1 month ago 3 Warden Healer PvP [PvP] Warden Healer - Update 43 Sleepy_S-Updated 3 weeks ago 3 Arcanist Magicka Damage Dealer PvP 1 BAR ARCANIST PVP HEAVY ATTACK BUILD ...
Zaan is currently the most popular Monster set for fights where you can keep that tether going. The set's proc condition is not pretty reliable: You must land a Critical Strike with your Light or Heavy Attack first, then you will have a 33% chance to proc it. But over the course of...
HA- —Prefix applied for a character that deals damage through a specific build optimized around DoTs and heavy attacks, rather than traditional light attack weaving. Heal-/Healer—Healer. Sometimes they are further distinguished by a particular role in a PvE mechanic or the gear sets they are ...
HA- —Prefix applied for a character that deals damage through a specific build optimized around DoTs and heavy attacks, rather than traditional light attack weaving. Heal-/Healer—Healer. Sometimes they are further distinguished by a particular role in a PvE mechanic or the gear sets they are ...
Staff Strike: This is the boss' heavy attack. It's very clearly visible and should definitely be blocked or even dodge rolled. After he strikes you with his staff, there will be a shock field on the floor. Soulstorm: From time to time, the boss will cast an ability that you can't ...
heavy, then your shrines will be on wood longer and your villagers may linger on wood, so getting that first wood upgrade at the market is also a strong move to make. Obviously if you are going yumi heavy, you can substitute ashi attack with yumi attack, but only if you never intend ...