Must have tank sets for Elder Scrolls Online! Information and location of all the most useful tank sets for ESO!
View sets Class Sets All the information about Class Sets in the Elder Scrolls Online. Sets that buff class skills in ESO. View sets Craftable The ESO crafted sets category contains all craftable ESO sets including their location on the map and how many traits that are required to craft the...
Other noteworthy Sets Skills ESO Warden Tank ESO Fetcher Infectionis also another skill you might want to consider, to apply Minor Vulnerability to the enemy. Silver Leashcan be used if you need something to pull monsters to you. S&B MainbarDestro Staff bar ...
Nightblade Tank PvE Build – Trials Off-Tank/Dungeons Gear Slot Set Weight Trait Enchant Acquisition Head Bloodspawn Heavy Sturdy Prismatic Vet Spindleclutch 2 Shoulders Bloodspawn Heavy Sturdy Health Undaunted Chest Gloves Torug’s Pact Heavy Sturdy Health Crafted Legs Torug’s Pact Heavy Sturdy Pr...
(3 trait, base game crafted set). this is run to enhance the effect of the crusher enchantment, and healers may sometimes wear it instead if a tank needs to wear a more selfish set. yolna—claw of yolnakriin (sunspire trial), also has a perfected version. magicka dps bahsei/bahsei...
Torugs—Torugs Pact (3 trait, base game crafted set). This is run to enhance the effect of the Crusher enchantment, and healers may sometimes wear it instead if a tank needs to wear a more selfish set. Yolna—Claw of Yolnakriin (Sunspire trial), also has a Perfected version. Magick...
ESO Best Sets for Magicka Users ESO Best Tank Sets ESO Necromancer Healer Build ESO Templar Healer Build ESO Sorcerer Healer Build ESO Warden Healer Build ESO Nightblade Healer Build ESO Dragonknight Healer Build About the Author:Alcast Alcast is a long-time gamer and specializes in build creation...
Endgame Tank Sets Dragonknights are by far themost popular tanking class. Naturally, because of their skills and passives Dragonknights are just truly made for tanking. They have a lot of good shields that they can apply to themselves and the group which helps with survival. ...
SETS While making gear for leveling is not mandatory, some people like to make gear for alts or have gear made when created a new character! These are some good crafted options you can create (I recommend the “Training” trait for all pieces): ...