功放IC:NS4150 以前也在 RK3399 上调试过 ES8316,功能都正常,新主板只是更换了功放IC,就出现无声音的问题(仔细听是喇叭声音很小很小)。 音乐播放器中,有的歌曲有声音,有个无声音 视频播放器中,只能听到背景音,人物说话声听不见 系统声音设置中,闹钟音量正常,媒体音量和通知音量无声音 下面是音频相关的原理图:...
due to the absence of tridimensional viewing, the work is based on quantitative relations between drainage indices (river frequency and drainage density) determined on the images, and the relief expression (average slope) extracted from planialtimetric topographic charts (1: 50,000 scale). aerial ...
Visio is a diagraming tool that makes it easy and intuitive to create flowcharts, diagrams, org charts, floor plans, engineering designs, and more by using modern templates with the familiar Office...
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