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The ready-to-drink protein supplementDesigner Protein Shakeisn’t all ESN in Germany has been working on recently and now releasing; it also has something for its functional side in the Designer Oatbar. The Designer Bar still stands as one of the best-tasting protein bars in the world, alth...
Coming to market in the very near future is the first-ever beverage from Genius Gourmet, and as common as it is to do an energy drink these days, that’s not what the functional specialist has gone with. Clear Protein Drink is Genius Gourmet’s foray into beverage, and it packs a stro...
Then, the sam- ples were removed by adding fresh medium, and exposed Western blot Cells were lysed and the protein was extracted with radio immunoprecipitation lysis buffer on ice. BCA assay was used to determine the protein concentrations and West- ern blot was conducted using 12% SDS-PAGE....
The brand is making some bold promises for the supplement, saying it has a creamy consistency and full flavor that makes it incomparable, and we might take ESN’s word on it as it does make our runner-up best-tasting protein bar. With the release of ESN’s Vegan Designer Protein, we ...