protectedboolSendCommand(stringCommand) { byte[] WriteBuffer; if(Command==null||Command.Trim()=="") { returntrue; } //logs+=Command; WriteBuffer=Encoding.Default.GetBytes(Command); try { ns.Write(WriteBuffer,0, WriteBuffer.Length); } catch { errmsg="网络连接错误"; returnfalse; } return...
• vrfy (always return a '2xx ok' response) Any other commands, which are not supported, return a "500 #5.5.1 command not recognized" echo response. By default after 5 incorrect commands, the ESA terminates the connection with the message "421 Exceeded bad SMTP comma...
此类别中的事件是传入连接上的 SMTP 协议 OnInboundCommand 事件。?SMTP 服务收到 SMTP 响应 当本地 SMTP 服务收到远程 SMTP 主机或客户端对出站 SMTP 命令的响应时,会发生这些事件。此类别中的事件是出站连接上的 SMTP 协议 OnServerResponse 事件。?SMTP 服务发送 SMTP 命令当 本地 SMTP 服务连接到远程 ...
·2) 客户端向服务器发送各种命令,来请求各种服务(如认证、指定发送人和接收人)。 ·3) 服务器解析用户的命令,做出相应动作并返回给客户端一个响应。 ·4) 2)和3)交替进行,直到所有邮件都发送完或两者的连接被意外中断 ·命令和响应: ·命令的一般格式: ·COMMAND [Parameter] <CRLF> ·COMMAND是ASCII形式的...
2.1 Extended Command Set ESMTP introduces several new commands that enhance the functionality of SMTP. Some of the important commands include EHLO, which is used for starting the SMTP session with the server, and the MAIL FROM and RCPT TO commands used for specifying the sender and recipient of...
--- The client issues a command. *Oct 18 21:51:49.482: CBAC SMTP: VERB - Cmd len:1, match_len:1, cmd_re_state:3 *Oct 18 21:51:50.222: CBAC SMTP: VERB - Cmd len:2, match_len:1, cmd_re_state:15 *Oct 18 21:51:50.618: CBAC SMTP: VERB - Cmd len:3, match_len:1, ...
504 Command parameter not implemented 211 System status, or system help reply 214 Help message [Information on how to use the receiver or the meaning of a particular non-standard command; this reply is useful only to the human user]
Microsoft® Exchange Server 分析工具查询 Active Directory® 目录服务,以确定简单邮件传输协议 (SMTP) 虚拟服务器的每个实例的msExchSmtpInboundCommandSupportOptions属性值是否已配置为支持传入连接的默认扩展 SMTP 谓词。 下表中列出了这些扩展 SMTP 谓词。如果 Exchange Server 分析工具发现所列出的任何一个传入连...
After entering the last command, my ssh console stops responding (access was restored after a few minutes) and alerts of the following type start pouring in from standby asa every 15 seconds Nov 12, 2024 @ 12:25:04.000 ASA %ASA-1-105005: (Secondary) Lost Fail...
After entering the last command, my ssh console stops responding (access was restored after a few minutes) and alerts of the following type start pouring in from standby asa every 15 seconds Nov 12, 2024 @ 12:25:04.000 ASA %ASA-1-105005: (Secondary) Lost Failover communic...