ESMT Berlin, located in Germany, is a leading international business school renowned for its excellence in management education. It offers a range of programs, including an MBA, executive education, and customized corporate programs. ESMT's curriculum emphasizes innovation, leadership, and sustainability...
45.685video views About Us- Who we are Testimonial- What others say Faculty- Teaching & Research Previous Next ESMT Berlin Country Germany Campus Locations Germany Region Europe Sector Business Economics & Administration Program type Full-time Master ...
ESMT Berlin is a non-profit private higher education institution focused on business education and executive development. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore ESMT Berlin's full profile.
Educators and learning specialists fromESMT Berlinshare innovative classroom practices for executive education, including tips from Hollywood, gamification, and research insights in a new book: “The Future of Executive Education.” With the look and feel of a magazine, the “bookazine” is ...
URL: Add to calendar Details Start: December 6, 2023 End: December 8, 2023 Cost: €4,200 Event Category: Executive Education Calendar Website:
ESMT Berlin是2002年在德国25家跨国大公司(McKinsey, Daimler, BCG, KPMG etc.)的共同支持下建立起来的一所私立商学院,目的是为了在德国的首都柏林提供一流水平的商科教育,使学生不仅具有国际化视野,同时也能培养创业和创新的能力。ESMT目前获得了AACSB(An accreditation body in the USA)、AMBA(An accreditation bo...
ESMT Berlin是2002年在德国25家跨国大公司(McKinsey, Daimler, BCG, KPMG etc.)的共同支持下建立起来...
来自斯德哥尔摩经济学院的Gustav和复旦大学的Feng分享了他们选择ESMT Berlin作为交换院校的原因:这里有充满活力的创业文化和友好包容的国际化氛围。在ESMT, 他们结交了来自 20 多个国家的朋友们,与未来的企业家建立联系,并在判断与决策等课程中学习实践技能,他们的精彩旅程已说明ESMT Berlin是交换学生的最佳选择之一。 #...
Albatha hosts executive education programme * Tobias Berg, Humboldt University; Manju Puri, Duke University and NBER; and Jorg Rocholl, ESMT, "Loan Office Incentives and the Limits of Hard Information" Corporate Finance BERLIN, Jul 7, 2011 (TUR) -- Berlin-based European School of Management and...