`eslint-config-prettier` 和 `eslint-plugin-prettier` 是用于与 ESLint 和 Prettier 集成的两个不同的包。 1. `eslint-config-prettier` :这是一个 ESLint 配置规则的包,它将禁用与 Prettier 冲突的 ESLint 规则。使用 `eslint-config-prettier` 可以确保 ESLint 规则与 Prettier 的代码格式化规则保持一致...
解决方式一:要么修改 eslintrc,要么修改 prettierrc 配置,让它们配置保持一致; 解决方式二:禁用 ESLint中和Prettier配置有冲突的规则;再使用 Prettier 来替代 ESLint 的格式化功能; 安装eslint-config-prettier插件配置集,把其配置到eslintrc规则的尾部。执行ESLint命令,会禁用那些和Prettier配置有冲突的规则。 安装es...
"prettier --write" } 修改:package.json "husky": { "hooks": { "pre-commit": "lint-staged" } }, 第六步: create-react-app 自带eslint,在开发中eslint和prettier有可能有冲突,需要解决 安装eslint-config-prettier开发Dev依赖 yarn add eslint-config-prettier@6.15 --dev 修改:package.json用prettie...
解决方式一:要么修改 eslintrc,要么修改 prettierrc 配置,让它们配置保持一致; 解决方式二:禁用 ESLint中和Prettier配置有冲突的规则;再使用 Prettier 来替代 ESLint 的格式化功能; 安装eslint-config-prettier插件配置集,把其配置到eslintrc规则的尾部。执行ESLint命令,会禁用那些和Prettier配置...
1 ESlint 安装ESlint依赖包,和 生成 .eslintrc.js 配置文件 如果不需要 某项规则修改配置文件即可,0:off,1:warning, 2: error 2.Prettier 安装Preitter依赖包,和 生成 .prettierrc 配置文件 3.编辑器默认配置 生成.editorconfig 4.配置 webpack loader - :eslint-loader ...
eslint-config-prettier Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict withPrettier. This lets you use your favorite shareable config without letting its stylistic choices get in the way when using Prettier. Note that this configonlyturns rulesoff,so it only makes sense using it ...
eslint-config-prettierTurns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with Prettier.This lets you use your favorite shareable config without letting its stylistic choices get in the way when using Prettier.Note that this config only turns rules off, so it only makes sense using it ...
Changed: All the formatting rules that were deprecated in ESLint 8.53.0 are now excluded if you set the ESLINT_CONFIG_PRETTIER_NO_DEPRECATED environment variable. Version 9.0.0 (2023-08-05) Added: The CLI helper tool now works with eslint.config.js (flat config). Just like ESLint itself...
1 # eslint-config-prettier [![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis] 2 3 Turns off all rules that are unnecessary or might conflict with [Prettier]. 4 5 This lets you use you favorite shareable config without letting its stylistic 6 choices get in the way when using Prettier. 7...
Prettier settings have the semi to false but eslint has the semi to true. I order to not have conflicts between them i installed the eslint-config-prettier. But i still get an error with the semicolons. It is supposed to prevail the prettier setting, but its does not. var var1,...