@mdjermanovicThanks for the tip. Yes, I am seeing the same error in the VSCode ESLint ouput. [Info - 4:09:39 PM] ESLint server running in node v12.8.1 [Info - 4:09:39 PM] ESLint server is running. [Info - 4:09:40 PM] ESLint library loaded from: /Users/matt/Workspace/c...
[Info - 1:47:07 PM] ESLint server is running. /home/andreas/.vscode-insiders/extensions/dbaeumer.vscode-eslint-1.2.10/server/server.js:613 return document2Library[document.uri].then((library) => { ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined at validateSingle (/home/andreas/....
import express from 'express'; const app = express(); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.send('Hello World!'); }); app.listen(3000, () => { console.log('Server is running on port 3000'); }); 这样就可以避免 ESLint 报错,并且利用了 ES6 模块的优势...
ESLint is also expected to work with Node.js versions released after the Node.js Current release.Refer to the Quick Start Guide for the officially supported Node.js versions for a given ESLint release.Where to ask for help?Open a discussion or stop by our Discord server....
我们将分析 lint目标运行期间产生的违规行为。我们可以使用 SpyGlass GUI 中的各种调试工具来了解违规,在...
This is a convenience script around eslint_d to run it at maximum speed using netcat.eslint_d is an amazing tool that keeps a local server running eslint to cut linting time for a single file, so that we can get instant linting in our preferred editor....
67 - `status`: print out whether the server is currently running 68 - `restart`: restart the server 69 - `[options] file.js [file.js] [dir]`: invoke `eslint` with the given options. 70 The `eslint` engine will be created in the current directory. If the server 71 is not...
server Rename conformationPromise -> confirmationPromise 4年前 .azure-pipelines.yml Move to newer Node version 5年前 .eslintignore Fixes #841: Eslint isn't running on save 5年前 .eslintrc.base.json More eslint fixes 4年前 .gitignore ...
typescript-estree: add JSDocParsingMode enum merge for typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary (#8193) typescript-estree: disallow using as the variable keyword for for..in loops (#7649) typescript-estree: fix incorrect backwards-compat augmentation in TS 5.3 (#8181) ️ Thank You auvred @auvred...
[Info - 下午4:37:05] ESLint server is starting [Info - 下午4:37:05] ESLint server running in node v12.18.3 [Info - 下午4:37:05] ESLint server is running. [Info - 下午4:37:08] ESLint library loaded from: E:\webprject\bozheng\uf\assist-system-admin\node_modules\eslint\lib\...