eslint 深度检测 react hooks eslint.options 个人认为eslint可以很好的保证代码规范,当然在开发调试过程中可能会很麻烦,所以下面说下怎么关闭eslint: 这里只说下vue-cli脚手架的关闭方法,其实很简单,就是把 build/webpack.base.conf.js 配置文件中的eslint rules注释掉即可。 module: { rules: [ // { // t...
npm install eslint-plugin-hooks-limit --save-dev // 在项目的eslint配置中加入配置 这里设置2个hooks的调用触发eslint的waring { "extends": [ "next/core-web-vitals", "plugin:eslint-plugin-hooks-limit/recommended" ], "plugins": [ "hooks-limit" ], "rules": { "hooks-limit/no-too-many-h...
#npmnpm install eslint-plugin-react-hooks --save-dev#yarnyarn add eslint-plugin-react-hooks --dev Then extend the recommended eslint config: {"extends":[// ..."plugin:react-hooks/recommended"]} Custom Configuration If you want more fine-grained configuration, you can instead add a snippet...
Run the rules-of-hooks linter. (For example, add an eslint config like{ rules: { "react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error" } }.) Code example function useFoo() {} function f(x: number[], y: number, b: boolean) { if (y === 3) { return } let z for (const i of x) { ...
一、安装eslint-plugin-react-hooks: cnpm i -D eslint-plugin-react-hooks 二、配置ESLint: 1.打开项目根目录的package.json 2.把 "eslintConfig": { "extends": [ "react-app", "react-app/jest" ] }, 改为 "eslintConfig": { "extends": [ ...
1.eslint去掉注释报错:// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks 在使用reacthook时会遇到一些问题,就是在使用hook的一些api时就会出现如下所示报错,使用vscode的自动修复就是加上注释,但是每用一次就加一次注释非常麻烦 问题是:使用组件和props编译报错 ...
ESLint rules for React Hookseslint, eslint-plugin, eslintplugin, react readme React· React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Declarative: React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently ...
团队在项目中定位一个很奇怪的问题,错误信息不明确,定位了很久才发现是 react rule 规则的问题。 image.png 百思不得其解,项目已经引入 eslint-plugin-react-hooks 了,这种应该在 eslint 阶段就告警了。实在不应该提交上来。 定位问题 首先,找到问题代码 ...
{ "plugins": ["react-hooks-optimization"], "rules": { "react-hooks-optimization/prefer-optimization": [ "warn", { "performanceThreshold": { "complexity": 5, // Function complexity threshold (number of conditions/loops) "arraySize": 1000 // Array size threshold (number of elements) } }...
React version: 18.3.1 eslint-plugin-react-hooks: 5.0.0 Steps To Reproduce install eslint-plugin-react-hooks 5.0.0 write this code function smth(use: () => void) { use(); } get an error React Hook "use" is called in function "smth" that i...