This is an issue I've noticed happening in the last two days or so, and it seems to coincide with updating to the May 2024 release of VSCode, v1.90.0. When downgrading to VSCode v1.89.1, the issue disappears entirely. I'm not sure if this is an issue with compatibility between the...
所以在vscode配置文件中设置eslint.enable: true,或者直接在配置setting.json文件中删除此配置,(因为有提示.enable配置将被弃用) 二、eslint插件读取.eslintignore文件失效(eslintignore文件不生效) 继续查阅文档 eslint.workingDirectories-specifies how the working directories ESLint is using are computed.ESLint res...
Tell us about your environment ESLint version: 6.6.0 eslint-plugin-vue version: 5.2.3 and 6.0.0 Node version: 12.7.0 Please show your full configuration: module.exports = { root: true, parserOptions: { parser: 'babel-eslint', ecmaVersion...
-- 项目根目录 image.png -- client 目录 image.png 在.eslintrc 配置文件中需要配置react版本 ... // .eslintrc中增加这一行配置 "settings": { "react": { "version": "detect" } } ... 如果使用vscode, 遇到eslint失效可以参考
vscode 插件 prettier-eslint 的出现,提供了一个思路: Code ➡️ prettier ➡️ eslint --fix ➡️ Formatted Code TheeslintConfigandprettierOptionscan each be provided as an argument. If theeslintConfigis not provided, thenprettier-eslintwill look for them ...
每次创建工程前,总要纠结一下是否要用eslint,一方面因为eslint没法和vscode很容易的集成,比如需要配置文件.eslintrc.js,需要设置.usersetting等,另一方面会和prettier等格式化软件可能有冲突,当然为了体现专业性,还是不能不用,于是半推半就的加上了。 配置复杂,这次好好总结一下,争取让大家拿来即用。
VSCODE 中 ESlint全部默认设置 {//Editor//Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens."diffEditor.codeLens":false,//When enabled, the diff editor ignores changes in leading or trailing whitespace."diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace":true,//Timeout in milliseconds after which diff computation is ...
ilunsure I’m working on a project where I use react using typescript. And also I use prettier, and the typescript-eslint. Though it is working with the normal commandeslint ...but the sublime doesn’t show any errors or warnings. I’m not sure if I’m using the correct sublime ...
Use thedbaeumer.vscode-eslintextension that Microsoft provides officially. You have to configure theeslint.validateoption of the extension to check.yamlfiles, because the extension targets only*.jsor*.jsxfiles by default. Example.vscode/settings.json: ...
Step 2 – Integrate ESLint with VSCode To get continuous feedback from ESLint as you code, rather than running the command repeatedly, you can integrate ESLint into your editor. I'll cover integration with VSCode, given its popularity. ...