vue2.0报错:Syntax Error: TypeError: eslint.CLIEngine is not a constructor,把vue.config.js文件的lintOnSave改为falselintOnSave配置Type:boolean|'warning'|'default'|'error'Default:true设置是否在开发环境下每次保存代码时都启用eslint验证false
vue cli 3 lintOnSave 配置有时无效问题 一个使用vue cli 3.2创建的项目,创建时未开启 lintOnSave,后来希望开启并设置为 lintOnSave: ‘error’,但配置不生效。 解决方法1:新创建项目(此时vue cli 版本为 3.4)并开启 lintOnSave,然后删除其中所有文件,将旧有项目所有代码(包括node_modules)移动到新项目文件夹,发现l...
Error: Child compilation failed: [eslint] ESLint is not a constructor - child-compiler.js:169 [eladmin-web]/[cli-service]/[html-webpack-plugin]/lib/child-compiler.js:169:18 - Compiler.js:551 finalCallback [eladmin-web]/[webpack]/lib/Compiler.js:551:5 - Compiler.js:577 [eladmin-w...
【解决】 ERROR Failed to compile with 1 error Syntax Error: TypeError: eslint.CLIEngine is not a constructor 解决! You may use special comments to disable some warnings. Use // eslint-disable-next-line to ignore the next line. Use /* eslint-disable */ to ignore all warnings in a file...
把vue.config.js文件的lintOnSave改为false lintOnSave配置 Type: boolean | 'warning' | 'default' | 'error'Default: true 设置是否在开发环境下每次保存代码时都启用eslint验证 false:关闭每次保存都进行检测true:开启每次保存都进行检测,效果与warning一样‘warning’:开启每次保存都进行检测,lint 错误将显示到控制...
一个使用vue cli 3.2创建的项目,创建时未开启 lintOnSave,后来希望开启并设置为 lintOnSave: ‘error’,但配置不生效。 解决方法1:新创建项目(此时vue cli 版本为 3.4)并开启 lintOnSave,然后删除其中所有文件,将旧有项目所有代码(包括node_modules)移动到新项目文件夹,发现lintOnSave报错页面提示有。
找到webstorm安装目录下ESlint的配置文件,比如:E:\soft\webstorm\WebStorm 2018.3.6\plugins\JavaScriptLanguage\languageService\eslint\bin\eslint-plugin.js。 代码语言:javascript 复制 1// 配置前2// this.cliEngine = require(this.basicPath + "lib/cli-engine");3// 配置后4this.cliEngine=require(this...
1.ESLint: 'xx' is assigned a value but never used.(no-unused-vars) 解决办法: {"rules":{"no-unused-vars":0}} 2.vue eslint 报错 Identifier XXX is not in camel case 解决办法: 手动改成驼峰命名法或者 { "rules":{ “camelcase”: [1, {“properties”: “never”}], } } ...
Applies the transform function to the Webpack plugin whose constructor name is a match. usage example const {editWebpackPlugin} = require('@rescripts/utilities') module.exports = config => { const edited = editWebpackPlugin( p => { p.someOption = 'changed' return p }, 'DefinePlugin',...
Syntax Error: TypeError: eslint.CLIEngine is not a constructor You may use special comments to disable some warnings. Use // eslint-disable-next-line to ignore the next line. Use /* eslint-disable */ to ignore all warnings in a file. [{“resource”: “/Users/luyikun/Desktop/vue项目/...