4.eslint.lintTask.options:运行任务时应用的命令行选项,用于对整个工作区执行linting操作(https://eslint.org/docs/user-guide/command-line-interface)。指向定制.eslintrc.json文件和定制的示例.eslintignore是: {"eslint.lintTask.options":"-c C:/mydirectory/.eslintrc.json --ignore-path C:/mydirecto...
I'm a bit confused about what happened -- it would be helpful if you could clarify some things: When I comment node_modules in .eslintignore it works, but also lints node_modules Could you be more specific about how you changed your .eslintignore file? What did it look like before...
I loveESLintbut sometimes you want it to completely ignore a whole file. Add this to the top of your file: /* eslint-disable */ It needs to be in/* this kind */of comment, not// this kind. And ESLint won’t complain about your file any more! There are other ways to ignore ...
"root":true,//将当前配置文件设为项目根配置文件//ignorePatterns用于指定ESLint应忽略的文件或目录,类似于.eslintignore文件的功能"ignorePatterns":["node_modules/","dist/","*.min.js"]}} 三、Prettier 、EditorConfig代码编辑器配置 一)、Prettier 1、Prettier 的介绍 Prettier 是一个代码格式化工具,因为每...
📅 最后修改于: 2022-03-11 14:55:38.585000 🧑 作者: Mango 如何为第 9 节课做准备 - 无论代码示例 贝宝付款表格 - 任何代码示例 代码示例4 // to disable the whole folder or multiple files, // you can create a file .eslintignore // and fill it similarly to .gitignore...
onlyweichanged the titleLinter ignores based on my .gitignore file but not my .eslintignore fileFeb 29, 2016 IanVSadded theupstreamlabelFeb 29, 2016 IanVSmentioned this issueMar 3, 2016 Copy link Member IanVScommentedMar 9, 2016 You would need to call eslint with the--stdinand--stdin-...
VSCODE 中 ESlint全部默认设置 {//Editor//Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens."diffEditor.codeLens":false,//When enabled, the diff editor ignores changes in leading or trailing whitespace."diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace":true,//Timeout in milliseconds after which diff computation is ...
.eslintignore .eslintrc.json server.js 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 然后使用设置: "eslint.workingDirectories": [ "./client", "./server" ] 1. 将使用服务器目录作为当前eslint工作目录来验证服务器目录中的文件。客户端目录中的文件也是如此。ESLint扩展还会将进程的工作目录更改为提供的目录。如...
"root":true,// 将当前配置文件设为项目根配置文件//ignorePatterns 用于指定 ESLint 应忽略的文件或目录,类似于 .eslintignore 文件的功能"ignorePatterns":["node_modules/","dist/","*.min.js"]}} 三、Prettier 、EditorConfig代码编辑器配置 一)、Prettier 1、Prettier 的介绍 Prettier 是一个代码格式化工...
还请记住,.eslintrc*⽂件是在考虑⽗⽬录的情况下解析的,⽽.eslintignore⽂件只在当前⼯作⽬录中使⽤。可以使⽤以下值:[{ "mode": "location" }] (@since 2.0.0): 指⽰ESLint使⽤⼯作区⽂件夹位置或⽂件位置(如果没有打开⼯作区⽂件夹)作为⼯作⽬录。这是默认...