ESLint & .eslintignore All In One ESLint & .eslintignore All In One ESLint & .eslintignore
配置文件 - 在JavaScript、JSON或YAML文件中定义配置信息。对于这种配置方式,配置信息可以写在单独的.eslintrc.*文件中,或者写在package.json文件的eslintConfig字段中。这种配置对配置文件所在目录及其子目录树中的所有文件有效。 配置文件格式 JavaScript- use.eslintrc.js文件导出一个包含配置信息的对象。 JSON- 使...
{"scripts":{"test:lint":"eslint --max-warnings 0 --cache --ext js,jsx,cjs,mjs,ts,tsx --ignore-path .gitignore .","posttest":"npm run test:lint"}} We also offer aPrettierconfig that matches our ESLint config. Create a.prettierrc.jsonin your project with the following content: ...
layout 主要关心分号空格等docs:{description:"",// 描述规则功能recommended:true,// 后面可以使用extends: ['eslint:recommended']继承规则url:""// 文档的url},fixable:"code",// 标识规则是否可以修复,假如没有这属性,eslint不会帮你修复schema:[],// 规则参数,比如规则使用时,rules: { myRule: ['...
Note that this is different from (and likely a subset of) anyimport/resolverextensions settings, which may include.json,.coffee, etc. which will still factor into theno-unresolvedrule. Also, the followingimport/ignorepatterns will overrule this list. ...
创建一个 .stylelintignore 文件 node_modules/**.yarn/**wwwroot/assets/**dist/** 然后运行 stylelint **/*.scss **/*.css --fix 或者在 package.json "scripts": {"lint": "eslint **/*.ts --fix && stylelint **/*.scss --fix"//如果上面这句报错 spawn ENAMETOOLONG,可以是试试下面这...
3.在项目根目录下创建.eslintignore文件,设置需要被ESLint忽略的文件,文件中填入下面代码.以下标注目录下的文件,ESLint不会对其做语法检查. build dist src/assets public node_modules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4.在项目根目录下创建.eslintrc.js文件,此文件就是ESLint的核心配置文件,所有的代码约束规则都可以在该...
Optionally, install additional plugins, for example,eslint-plugin-reactto lint React applications. Open a configuration file or create a new one in the root of your project. Populate the configuration file depending on the ESLint version you are using: ...
We could fix the old code, but that's often prohibitively expensive and may even cause regressions. We could disable the rule for those projects or files, but we want new code to follow the rule. An effective solution is to inject thousands of// eslint-ignore-next-linelines, but these ...