This extension does not appear to be formatting code when setting"source.fixAll.eslint"in VSCode'seditor.codeActionsOnSavesettings. When saving a file, the extension hangs indefinitely without much indication in the ESLint Output of what could be going on. This is an issue I've noticed happe...
所以在vscode配置文件中设置eslint.enable: true,或者直接在配置setting.json文件中删除此配置,(因为有提示.enable配置将被弃用) 二、eslint插件读取.eslintignore文件失效(eslintignore文件不生效) 继续查阅文档 eslint.workingDirectories-specifies how the working directories ESLint is using are computed.ESLint res...
pnpm version: 6.32, >7 Code to reproduce the issue: Expected behavior: vscode eslint extension should be able to parse the file and lint it properly Actual behavior: It fai...
VSCODE 中 ESlint全部默认设置 {//Editor//Controls whether the editor shows CodeLens."diffEditor.codeLens":false,//When enabled, the diff editor ignores changes in leading or trailing whitespace."diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace":true,//Timeout in milliseconds after which diff computation is cancelled...
m working on a project where I use react using typescript. And also I use prettier, and the typescript-eslint. Though it is working with the normal commandeslint ...but the sublime doesn’t show any errors or warnings. I’m not sure if I’m using the correct sublime extension ...
liveServer.settings.donotShowInfoMsg": true, "editor.fontLigatures": false, "settingsSync.ignoredSettings": [], "path-autocomplete.extensionOnImport": true, "path-autocomplete.pathMappings": { "@": "${folder}/src" }, &...
Congratulations. You should now have a working ESLint setup and it's time to clean up. The removal of TSLint depends on your project, but usually these are the steps: Update.vscode/extensions.jsonto recommend the ESLint extension and not TSLint anymore: ...
Once the extension is installed, ESLint errors will be directly highlighted in your editor. ESLint integration in VSCode highlighting errors in the editor And that's a wrap! From now on you'll always have ESLint watching your back and preventing you from making silly mistakes. After all, we...
VSCode ESLint extension ⚠️ (as it's executing your localnode_modules/.bin/eslint) As forVS Code v1.89(April 2024) the bundled Node is v18.18.2, which is not compatible withtsxloader (requires v18.19.0+) - Which should befixed with next month's VS Code release. In order for ...
viaeslint.workingDirectoriescan now use glob patterns instead of listing every project folder. For example,{ "pattern": "code-*" }will match all project folders starting withcode-. In addition, the extension now changes the working directory by default. You can disable this feature with the ...