关键词:eslint-typegen, eslint flat config, anfu/eslint-config, tsup, github npm-publish CI 我个人经常会在node, react, remix, nextjs, svelte, vue来回切换,尤其是尝到monorepo对库开发时,直接workspace import那种快感,我的monorepo最恐怖时会同时存在原生js/ts(node, web),react,remix,mdx,svelte,l...
Summary Eslint 8 is going EOL on October 5. Rushstack eslint packages do not support Eslint 9. Inside the "Eslint v9 support" issue of Eslint (eslint/eslint#18391) rushstack is mentioned but only regarding the eslint-patch package.eslint-pluginandeslint-plugin-securitypackages are not ...
Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code. Contribute to eslint/eslint development by creating an account on GitHub.
Hyoban's ESLint Config. Latest version: 3.2.0, last published: 4 days ago. Start using eslint-config-hyoban in your project by running `npm i eslint-config-hyoban`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using eslint-config-hyoban.
前言 应该有很多同学在配置eslint文件的时候,会有这样的疑问,为什么每种校验模块包要分成 config/plugin 两个版本,并且有时候在plugins引入了插件,还可...
需要将 ESLint 限制到一个特定的项目、目录时,可以在项目根目录下的 package.json 文件或者 .eslintrc.* 文件里的 eslintConfig 字段下设置 "root": true。ESLint 一旦发现配置文件中有 "root": true,它就会停止在父级目录中寻找。 代码语言:javascript ...
ESLint 是一款检查 JavaScript 程序是否符合特定的规则的工具。比如字符串用单引号还是双引号,Tab 缩进用 2 个空格还是 4 个空格还是其他,这些都可以用 ESLint 来规定。
ESLint configuration for Next.js projects. Latest version: 1.4.0, last published: 9 months ago. Start using @pilaton/eslint-config-next in your project by running `npm i @pilaton/eslint-config-next`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using