默认情况下,ESLint 会在所有父级目录里寻找配置文件,一直到根目录,子目录内的配置规则优先级高于父目录,与父目录规则冲突时将覆盖父目录的规则。 需要将 ESLint 限制到一个特定的项目、目录时,可以在项目根目录下的 package.json 文件或者 .eslintrc.* 文件里的 eslintConfig 字段下设置 "root": true。ESLint...
// 强制object.key 中 . 的位置,参数: // property,'.'号应与属性在同一行 // object, '.' 号应与对象名在同一行 'dot-location': [2, 'property'], // 文件末尾强制换行 'eol-last': 2, // 使用 === 替代 == allow-null允许null和undefined== "eqeqeq": [2, "allow-null"], // 强...
IntelliJ IDEA looks for a .eslintrc.* file or for a eslintConfig property in a package.json. IntelliJ IDEA starts the search from the folder where the file to be checked is stored, then searches in its parent folder, and so on until the project root is reached. Configuration File - ...
"files": ["*-test.js","*.spec.js"], "rules": { "no-unused-expressions": "off" } } ] } 配置内联注释行为 禁用内联评论 要禁用所有内联配置注释,请使用noInlineConfig设置。例如: { "rules": {...}, "noInlineConfig": true } 此设置类似于--no-inline-configCLI选项。 报告未使用的eslint-...
2.Configuration Files -使用JavaScript、JSON或者YAML文件为整个目录和它的子目录指定配置信息。可以用 .eslintrc.* 文件或者在package.json文件里的eslintConfig字段这两种方式进行配置,ESLint 会查找和自动读取它们,再者,你可以在命令行指定一个配置文件。
Example config Here is an example.eslintrc.js. Pay close attention to thefilesproperty, because itdetermines which files are linted. module.exports={overrides:[{files:['*.js','*.jsx','*.ts','*.tsx'],extends:'standard-with-typescript'}],} ...
@rushstack/eslint-config/mixins/packlets Packlets provide a lightweight alternative to NPM packages for organizing source files within a single project. This system is described in the@rushstack/eslint-plugin-packletsdocumentation. To use packlets, add the mixin to your"extends"field like this...
To enable this configuration use theextendsproperty in your.eslintrcconfig file: {"extends": ["eslint:recommended","plugin:react/recommended"] } Seeeslintdocumentationfor more information about extending configuration files. All This plugin also exports anallconfiguration that includes every available ...
下一步选择In dedicated config files(将eslint的配置抽离到独立的文件中) 基于vue-cli创建项目-步骤五 剩下的步骤默认下一步,即可完成项目的创建 新建项目的目录结构 配置项 所有的配置文件都在 .eslintrc.js 中,默认情况下使用了plugin:vue/essential来校验代码,当然,你也可以选择最严格的plugin:vue/recommended...
// eslint.config.jsimport{configs}from'@ryanatkn/eslint-config';exportdefaultconfigs; To override rules, you can map or modifyconfigsor mutate the exportedts_configandsvelte_config: // eslint.config.jsimport{configs,ts_config,svelte_config}from'@ryanatkn/eslint-config';ts_config.rules['no-...