TRAVELDISCUSSION STUDENTA’sQUESTIONS(DonotshowthesetostudentB) 1)Doyouliketravelling? 2)Whatistravelforyou? 3)Whatdifferentkindsoftravellingarethere? 4)What’sthebestplaceyou’veeverbeento? 5)Wouldyouliketogotravellingforafewyearsnon-stop?
"Is anybody else traveling with you?" "Are just you two traveling today?" All airlines have a list of questions they have to ask you. Let's look at some of these questions. "Did someone you do not know ask you to take something on the plane with you?" ...
"Is anybody else traveling with you?" "Are just you two traveling today?" All airlines have a list of questions they have to ask you. Let's look at some of these questions. "Did someone you do not know ask you to take something on the plane with you?" ...
"Is anybody else traveling with you?" "Are just you two traveling today?" All airlines have a list of questions they have to ask you. Let's look at some of these questions. "Did someone you do not know ask you to take something on the plane with you?" ...
Questions and Answers–Choose True or False. Answer key is located at the bottom of this page (but make sure to answer the Q’s first!) 1. To bebitten by the travel bugmeans you like to stay home. True or False 2. People bitten by the travel bug like to visit new places. ...
14,180 discussion and conversation questions for speaking practice. 709 FREE ESL lesson plans, handouts, worksheets and downloads. Controversial and mainstream topics.
ESL Travel Routines Activity - Speaking: Table Completion, Asking and Answering Questions from Prompts, Sentence Completion - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes In this insightful travel routines speaking activity, students ask and answer questions about how they travel to school. Students begin by com...
Answer these questions: Where did you go? How did you get there? Who went with you? How long did you stay there? How much money did you spend on travel, hotels, and food?Online Investigation Imagine that you have $3,000 to take a three-week vacation to one or more of these ...
Now that you have a better idea of what kind of school you want to teach at, you can begin your search for that GREAT job teaching English in China. The problem is…where do you start? And maybe an equally important question: it is still safe to find a teaching job in China in 202...
Now, watch the interview and answer the comprehension questions. You can also turn on the automatically-generated captions for the video once you start it.Travel Destinations (Aubrey/Emily)- Interviews Aubrey and Emily are imagining the ideal travel plans based on ___. Emily would like to spe...