We hope this free resource helps you and your kids improve their English listening and speaking. Many school educators have used this free resource to help children learn English (ESL conversations). These simple “get to know know you” questions are perfect to break the ice and get kids ta...
Just a Minute is definitely one of my favourite ESL speaking games for adults!A quick tip: choose some popular, perhaps somewhat controversial topics to make this activity more interesting.Find out how to do this English speaking activity in your class: Just a Minute....
- Coversations for little kids to practice speaking Speaking Is Easy - Choose your topic to practice listening and speaking Easy Conversations - 250 conversations on 14 topics 01Start Reading for Children (I) - Simple present tense, 50 words per passage ...
kids lessons include fun games and speaking activities to ensure children are engaged during the lesson. For adults, we like to introduce videos and articles about interesting topics so that students want to contribute in
Check out these Fun Kids’ Books! Phrases for Conversation Learn common phrases Conversation Topics Talk about everything Grammar Explanations Practice grammar Now you can learn English quickly by yourself at home for free step by step! It’s easy. Just choose the skill you would like to study...
Check out these Fun Kids’ Books! Phrases for Conversation Learn common phrases Conversation Topics Talk about everything Grammar Explanations Practice grammar Now you can learn English quickly by yourself at home for free step by step! It’s easy. Just choose the skill you would like to ...
Talk about potential career paths. Taking it to the next level is actually preparing for a job interview and landing that job. These ESL lesson plans should get your students thinking. 1. Top 10 Jobs A Family Feud-style ESL worksheet that helps kids reflect on their future jobs. Let them...
This ESL game is designed for Halloween. Kids have to find their way out of the Halloween made. But don’t crash into any of the pumpkins! Halloween Maze 10. Alphabet Story Kids have to come up with an imaginative story. But the only catch is: ...
Kids Math Exercises : Math Practice for Kids - Pre-K to 8th Grade. ESL Ebook Packs for Kids : Resources You can't afford not to have. Math4Children.com: Free Math Worksheets, Math Games, Online Quizzes, Video Lessons and eBooks preschool,1st to 6th grade. Matching & Filling Exercises...
ESL Small Talk Activity#36: 20 QuestionsI’m sure everyone has played 20 questions before. You can use this as an ESL activity with your students too!Check out the details here:20 Questions for ESL Students#37: Rock-Scissor-PaperThis is one of my favourite ESL Activities for Kids! They ...