Speak Easy If you are having trouble with the recognition, try adjusting the volume level on your computer's built in microphone. For this to work, you have to grant the browser permission to access your microphone. This page will only work on Google's Chrome browser. It uses voice recogni...
Please note: speaking grammatically incorrect phrases may be recognized and displayed as correct. For example, saying "He like milk", is a mistake as it should be "He likes milk"; however, spoken phrases such as this are likely to be adjusted and displayed as correct. This is due to the...
ESL Games and lesson plan ideas for young learners, teens and adult classes. Games and activities to practice grammar, speaking, vocabulary and writing.
Easier, faster lesson planning – the more games you use, the easier it gets. Fun language games for vocabulary and grammar, listening, speaking, conversation, spelling, reading, and writing. Tips on teaching online, dos and don’ts, technical tips, online security, engaging students, and ...
Speaking - Learn Spoken English To teach and practice spoken English, we offer commonly usedEnglish Expressionsfordaily communication, ESL conversation & dialogues.We also provide pronunciation materials which help in the teaching and learning of a standard English pronunciation.We provide exercises to st...
biggest things that comes with screen sharing content, is thatthe student is unable to interact with the game themselves. For this reason I try to pick games where they can tell me what to click, whether that’s by numbers boxes, or colours etc. This also helps with encouraging speaking!
Welcome to our ESL Games page, where you can find many games for teaching English. These ESL games are great for teaching English both in the classroom and online to kids and beginner English language learners. Our ESL games are absolutely FREE! Simply show them from this website or from ...
Pronunciation Games and Activities(e.g.,word matchfor minimal pairs,pit pat puttfor vowel sounds,word mazesfor syllable stress) Conversation Questions and Speaking Activities Enhance your students’ speaking skills with conversation questions and speaking activities, such as: ...
The activities focus on developing core skills oflistening,speaking,reading,writing, andgrammar. There are also fun ESL games to help students improve their vocabulary and other English language skills. View the ESL games and activities. Plus, you can watch how to use many of the activities onE...
A lifetime favorite for most language teachers, this game has long been the cornerstone of most ESL classroom speaking activities and games. It is quite easy to play yet it gets a lot of language out of students if well thought out. With hot-seat, a student seats with his/her back to...