ESL Shipping is building a series of four fossil-free handysize vessels. These new 1A ice-class vessels are the top of the market in terms of cargo capacity, technology and innovation. First hybrid vessels delivered to AtoB@C Shipping
ESL is a leading liner shipping company headquartered in the Jebel Ali Free Zone, in the United Arab Emirates.
ESL is a leading liner shipping company headquartered in the Jebel Ali Free Zone, in the United Arab Emirates.
About ESL Shipping ESL Shipping serves as a carrier of dry bulk cargo in the Baltic Sea, focusing on the transportation of products and raw materials for various industries. The company offers a range of services including shipping solutions, transshipments at sea, and Arctic area shipments, util...
esl船公司即阿联酋航运,是一家总部位于阿联酋迪拜的国际航运公司,该公司货物跟踪可在官网(上进行查询。 阿联酋航运介绍 发展历程 创立背景:阿联酋航运于2006年成立,初期仅有几艘3,000TEU载运量的船。 快速拓展:2007年,阿联酋航运以其卓越的业绩被授予亚洲年度劳埃氏奖(Lloyd’s ...
天眼查 人工智能 ESL Shipping 人工智能 智慧物流 海运物流 物流运输 运输服务 装卸服务 人工智能应用场景 所属公司:ESL Shipping 当前融资轮次:债权融资 成立日期:1949-01-01 所属地:芬兰 简介:ESL Shipping 是一家干散货海运公司。他们的运输确保全年工业和能源生产的产品和原材料运输。该航运公司还提供与海上大型...
ESL Shipping订造4艘绿色甲醇燃料灵便型船舶 10月9日,芬兰船东ESL Shipping宣布正在建造一系列四艘新型零化石燃料灵便型(Handysize)船舶。四艘船舶的总价值约为1.86亿欧元,ESL Shipping同样保留了增加建造多艘船舶的选择权。 据介绍,这些船舶的载重吨约为17,000 吨,可以通过使用绿色氢基电制甲醇或生物甲醇实现完全...
近日芬兰船东航运公司ESL Shipping在中国招商金陵船厂船厂签订了甲醇双燃料散货船的建造订单,持续加码新船订单。该公司表示,与招商金陵船厂签订了4艘 17,000 载重吨的灵便型散货船订单,预计于 2027 年和 2028 年陆续交付。 新船采用1A冰级设计,总长150 ,可使用绿色甲醇运行,造价为 1.86 亿欧元(2.04 亿美元)。
We are at your service! We are dedicated to providing exceptional service, and our experienced chartering team is here to assist you every step of the way. Feel free to reach out to us by sending an email to or by giving us a call. We look forward to serving...