I put together my favorite role-play scenarios and speaking activities which I… Read more Phrasal Verbs Activity and Exercises, Conversation Questions and PDF Worksheet Posted on February 1, 2021 By albacker I sometimes watch, or more accurately, watched (because Covid) Netflix with friends....
Next, in pairs, students read scenarios and prepare and role-play two shopping conversations using the language from the box, taking turns to be the customer and shop assistant or customer service representative. Finally, students present their role-plays to the class....
Smoking parents beware. Childrenare picking up onand mimicking all of your bad habits and assimilating them intowhat they perceive asnormal behavior. This is the conclusion of a study conducted by Dartmouth College in the American state of New Hampshire. A researchteam used a variety ofrole-pla...
Buying is a broad topic. Choose a maximum offive common vending/purchasing situations.For example: Buying clothes, going to a restaurant, taking a taxi, going to a garage sale, going grocery shopping. Use the scenarios you think will be most helpful to students. Ask them about thecommon pro...
Play 7. Improv 1. Devise several scenarios with two or more characters and a premise. These could be something simple, like someone going to a bakery to buy a cake or visiting a museum with an unusual exhibit. 2. Divide your students into teams, with one student per role. 3. Give you...
PDF extract Common phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs are essential building blocks of natural English conversation, appearing constantly in our daily routines and digital interactions. This activity explores common combinations through everyday scenarios – from handling mobile devices to managing household tasks....
Elements of common work conversations (PDF) Related Resources: 10 Role Play Speaking Activities 11 Classroom Debate and Discussion Language Activities 5 First Day of Class Activities 3 Great Icebreakers to Start a Class 8 Invitation and Request Dialogues for Everyday Scenarios ...
“eLearning is destroying those kids’ spelling abilities because of autocorrect and text-talk” or “eLearning will lead to a loss of lots of essential motor skills like handwriting because of all that touch-typing” etc… The list of Armageddon-like scenarios people creatively conjure up is ...
(a) scenarios (b) sceptres (c) sceptics (d) scents (a) been (b) done (c) given (d) taken Spelling Paragraph 1 The mreegence of artificial intelligence brought nsecarnttioon to people aesaugrfds against AI replacing humans One tcseor that could benefit the UK games isoastacion Redu...
For most scenarios, we recommend that you use Azure Files or Azure NetApp Files to store FSLogix user profile and Office containers.Split user profile and Office containers. We recommend these options for container storage types, in this order: Azure Files Premium tier...