ESL Pre-Intermediate + 708 lessons 14,160 Questions Famous People Pre-Intermediate + 166 lessons ESL Holiday Pre-Intermediate + 199 lessons Business English Pre-Intermediate + 102 lessons Listen A Elementary - Pre-Intermediate 480...
4. STUDENT “TRAFFIC POLLUTION” SURVEY:In pairs / groups, write down questions about traffic and pollution. Ask other classmates your questions and note down their answers. Go back to your original partner / group and compare your findings. Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findin...
COMPREHENSIONQUESTIONS 1.WhyisthereaslowdownonI-35north? a)Becausetherewasanaccident. b)Becausetheroadhasbeenclosedforrepair. c)Becausethereisheavytraffic. 2.Hecanspendtwohoursatworkortwohours… a)…lookingforternativeroute. b)…travelinginveryslowtraffic. c)…cominingaboutthetrafficreport. ___ WHAS...
Purpose: These Cookies are used to track information about traffic to the Website and how users use the Website. The information gathered via these Cookies may directly or indirectly identify you as an individual visitor. This is because the information collected is typically linked to a pseudonym...
If you have some ideas to add or questions about the show, please post your questions and comments here or at the ESL Teacher Talk Forums. Game of the Week: the Chanting Game Matt brings the game of the week this week. It can be very simple or use more complicated language structur...
What have you learned about me? Present Perfect Yes No Questions (A2) Date Added: 4th of March Have I guessed right? Present Perfect Yes No Questions (A2) Date Added: 4th of March Reading Rotation Challenge Reading Exam Preparation (B1) ...
3. Predictive Questions: Before playing the interview, provide students with a set of questions related to road rage, such as “What is road rage?”“How can one avoid road rage situations?”“What should you do if someone cuts you off?” 4. Role Play Scenario: Divide the class into sm...
Susan:It should take about 20 minutes, depending on the traffic. Mark:Oh, okay. I have a flight to catch in an hour, so I’m hoping to make it on time. Susan:No problem, we’ll try to get there as quickly as possible.
030. Road Signs (in the United Kingdom) Road Signs, Traffic Signs, Street Signs 04:38 031. List of Emotions and Feelings Useful Feeling Words and Emotion Words in Eng 02:22 032. Types of Heels Learn Useful Heels Names in English with Pictures ...
166. 200+ ANSWERS to Common English QUESTIONS Daily English Conversation Practi 33:02 167. Animal Group Names 80 Collective Nouns For ANIMALS to Expand Your VOCABULAR 10:47 168. Learn How to Tell the TIME Properly in English Different Times of the Day 10:16 169. How to Say and Write the...