foodtesleslconversationquestionseating ESLConversationQuestions-Food&Eating(I-TESL-J)ConversationQuestionsFood&EatingAPartofConversationQuestionsfortheESLClassroom.Thereisarelatedsetofquestionsathttp://iteslj/questions/restaurants.htmlqAbouthowmanydifferentcolorfoodsdidyoueatfordinnerlastnight?rDoyouthinkaboutcolorwhen...
onFoodESLfoodEsleslfoods 系统标签: foodeslconversationlessonfoodonhandouts FOOD DISCUSSION STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B) 1) What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘food’? 2) How often do you think about food? 3) Can you eat anything? 4) Can you go wit...
二年级Grade2(Teacher Adam)Unit 6 about: My Day.Kids learned timing and different timing phrases such as: it is five o’clock, it is nine o’clock, … and how to ask and answer questions: What time is it? It is ...
nutrientsoutofuncookedfoods,butsomedoctorsdisagree. 2 ThesematerialsarecopyrightedbytheCenterforEducationalDevelopment(2014).Postingof thesematerialsonanotherwebsiteordistributingtheminanywayisprohibited. EnglishasaSecondLanguagePodcast ESLPodcast975–MakingFoodfromScratch COMPREHENSIONQUESTIONS 1.WhatdoesAnnmeanwhenshe...
English as a Second Language Podcast ESL Podcast 441 – Preparing Food for Cooking COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 1. Which of these jobs is scut work? a) Sautéing vegetables. b) Whip up gourmet dishes. c) Setting the table. 2. Which of these foods might need to be peeled? a) Potatoes. b) ...
but don't let students see whose name they have. Students walk around the class asking yes/no questions of each other and try to guess what's on their back. For adult beginners, make the game easier by using the names of animals, foods or household objects, such as a refrigerator or ...
This speaking and listening activity consists of a video warm-up activity and food conversation questions. As a warm-up activity watch this video on the 15 best foods around the world. Have students take notes on each food as they watch. What is it made of? How was it prepared? Where…...
Your ESL students are ready to discuss several aspects of the American culture because they know quite a bit about it. This lesson gives you some questions you can ask so your ESL students freely express their thoughts. Outside the Box ...
English As A Second Language LESSON PLANNING THEMES Last updated 1/12/2012
Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows, and things he/she has. Can interact simply provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help. A2 (Basic User): Can ...