This type of question doesn't have a wrong answer. All answers will be correct. So the best answer is how good you can make the answer. A mediocre answer will be something like completing a project on time. You can say this, but add another twist to make the answer a little better....
Warm-up question Vocabulary Idioms and phrases Conversation questions Writing prompts that are ideal for homework.In short, everything you need to do a speaking lesson for teenagers, university students or adults in style! Have a look here at one of the best things to do in an ESL class ...
0:00 volume < previous > next "What do you expect from your manager?" This question should be answered that shows what type of worker you are. Mention things that will help you to become a better worker instead of mentioning that you want an understanding manager. ...
< previous > next "Tell me a little about yourself." You should take this opportunity to show your communication skills by speaking clearly and concisely in an organized manner. Because there is no right or wrong answer for this question, it is important to appear friendly. ...
Learning English is about conversations! That’s why having a question & answer time segment is essential to any ESL (English as a Second Language) or ELL (English Language Learner) program. Free talk time is essential to integrate new vocabulary and language skills. ...
There are also some new teaching videos at MES-TV. There are straight vocabulary videos, questions and answer videos as well as interactive question only videos. These are great for non-native teachers and teachers that just want to expose their students to another voice. Check them out...
When you think of your own answer, make sure you answer this question showing that you dealt with this problem before and that you overcame the situation.通过下载TalkEnglish脱机版本更加快速地学习英语口语,沉浸于8000多个音频文件和800多页的课程的海洋中!那么没有开通网络,你也可以学习英语,可以在任何...
International Ask A Question Day Pi Day True Confessions Day World Consumer Rights Day Freedom Of Information Day Saint Patrick's Day National Bio-Diesel Day World Sleep Day National Agriculture Day Nowruz Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day World Down Syndrome Day World Water Day World Meteorolog...
37. Talktastic Board Game This ESL game gets students talking with a board game. First, put students in groups of two. Next, one student rolls the dice and will land on a word. They make a question about the topic and their partner responds. ...
Making Question Past Continuous Preference and Comparatives Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Relative Clause Reported Speech Simple Future Simple Past Simple Present Time Clause Test Prep 8 Simple OPIc Tips Speaking Proficiency Assessment Overview Speaking Proficiency Assessment Tips...