(Maybe not a polite question to ask.) q How much money do you have with you now? (Maybe not a good question to ask.) q How much time did you spend the last time you went shopping? q How often do you go shopping? q If someone gave you a lot of money, what would you do ...
Can the answer to this question help you find the ideal career? Does automation present a threat to your chosen career path? How would you rate your soft skills? Are they greater assets to you than your hard skills? Is it harder for introverts to succeed in the workplace? What are ...
For this reason, our ESL students not only practice conversation when they talk about health care but also learn new words. Before you give your ESL students a health care question to discuss, make sure they know some useful vocabulary, such as the meaning of 'health care.' Depending on ...
Read the following short texts and choose the best answer to each question. Text 1: A description of a local park. 5. What is the main purpose of the park? A. Sports activities. B. Relaxation and recreation. C. Environmental conservation. Text 2: An announcement about a community event....
' square, they answer the question with 'You can buy... at the...' If the player makes a suitable question or sentence, they stay on the square. If not, they go back two spaces. The first player to reach the finish wins the game. At the Clothes Shop ESL Clothes Shopping Language...
International Ask A Question Day Pi Day True Confessions Day World Consumer Rights Day Freedom Of Information Day Saint Patrick's Day National Bio-Diesel Day World Sleep Day National Agriculture Day Nowruz Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day World Down Syndrome Day World Water Day World Meteorolog...
Student: It’s about (150 yen). Notice, we have used a question with the pronoun “it” instead of the object. Write this question on the board. Then elicit the plural form and also write it on the board, as follows: Students then take turns asking their partner questions about the ...
Listening Activities About ESL-LAB Help Interviews “Online Shopping”Back to Interviews Level High-intermediatePre-Listening Question Online Shopping Habits: Discuss with students their own experiences with online shopping. What types of items do they usually purchase online? Are there any specific...
Which was the most difficult question? SPEAKING: SHOPPING:With your partner(s), discuss the following statistics: Answer the following questions: 1 Do you agree with them? 2 Is there a trend? Think of two questions to ask your partner about them ...
Questions with "like"are very common, but they can be a little confusing. Here is an explanation of each type of question with "like." Practice Dialogue: John:What do you like doing in your spare time? Susan:I like hanging out downtown with my friends. ...