I generally give students the question of the day and then let them get to it in pairs. At the end of the allotted time, you can elicit some feedback about what was discussed in the groups (or just a few of them for a bigger class)....
Learning English is about conversations! That’s why having a question & answer time segment is essential to any ESL (English as a Second Language) or ELL (English Language Learner) program. Free talk time is essential to integrate new vocabulary and language skills. Download this list inprint...
International Ask A Question Day Pi Day True Confessions Day World Consumer Rights Day Freedom Of Information Day Saint Patrick's Day National Bio-Diesel Day World Sleep Day National Agriculture Day Nowruz Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day World Down Syndrome Day World Water Day World Meteorolog...
There are many ways to answer this question, and if you have a reasonable method of making decisions, it will probably be sufficient. One answer I thought of included not being afraid of asking your manager. You can follow up by saying even the best needs mentoring, and you always want ...
(Note this question allows ESL students to talk a lot about the two-party system because they are likely to come from countries with several political parties.) What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of voting being voluntary in the US? As you get to use public goods and ...
"If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be and why?" This question is another variation to the weakness question. You can provide a similar type of question unless it is the same person asking them. To answer this question, think of a person you respect and...
There are also some new teaching videos at MES-TV. There are straight vocabulary videos, questions and answer videos as well as interactive question only videos. These are great for non-native teachers and teachers that just want to expose their students to another voice. Check them out...
Listening Activities About ESL-LAB Help Frequently-Asked Questions Information Where are you from? What do you do in your “free” time? Take a look at my welcome page for this answer to the first part of the question. As for “free” time, I actually have hobbies beyond creating we...
37. Talktastic Board Game This ESL game gets students talking with a board game. First, put students in groups of two. Next, one student rolls the dice and will land on a word. They make a question about the topic and their partner responds. ...
4. Talktastic Board Game In groups of two, students roll the dice and move their game pieces. When they land in a square, they’ll ask their partner the question in the box until they go around the entire board game. Talktastic Board Game ...