Together, we had some unforgettable memories through ESL Play. We have seen players come together across borders and barriers to make new friends, compete in a global community, and the best have risen to become huge stars. Today is not the end of our story as our competitions are moving ...
SC2HL on ESL Play We need your consent to load the YouTube Video service! We use a third party service to embed video content that may collect data about your activity. Please review the details and accept the service to watch this video. More Information Accept powered by Usercentrics Co...
$850,000 赛事奖金 赛事阶段 小组赛: 双败淘汰制 最后机会: 单败淘汰制 淘汰赛: 单败淘汰制 小组赛 最后机会 淘汰赛 Group A 首轮 00NATION 1 03-22 02:00 BO3 fnatic 0 03-21 22:30 BO3 Liquid 0 03-22 02:00 BO3 MRS 0 03-21 22:35 ...
Coalesce0 Group Stage Viperio141 Group Stage sakana1230 Group Stage Arctic Raptors0 Group Stage 关联赛事 赛事名称比赛时间奖金 ESL Premiership Autumn 202211.28$14,725 EPL S18 欧洲 预选赛07.14EPL S18 资格 排名奖金 排名奖金 战队 1$5,895晋级 Into the Breach 2$2,787 Endpoint 3-4$1,286 Viper...
ESL Pro League Season 21We live the game and everything around it like no other Teams24 EPTMasters Total Winnings$1,000,000 Stage 1March 1 - 5 Stage 2March 7 - 11 PlayoffsMarch 13 - 16 play on FACEIT Watch live ESL Shop The biggest CS League24 Teams | 3 Stages | Global Competitio...
ESL官方昨晚宣布了2025年的全年赛事计划,为全球电竞爱好者揭开了一幅充满激情与竞争的画卷。据悉,该计划包括3次梦幻联赛以及两场ESL赛事,将为电竞迷们带来一场场精彩绝伦的比赛盛宴。 首先,梦幻联赛S25将于明年2月16日至3月2日举行,为观众呈现一场电竞盛宴。而4月份,则将迎来ESL ONE欧洲赛事,届时,众多顶尖战队将...
IEM 中国站的时间为4月8-14日。 今天ESL公布了IEM 中国站和IEM 达拉斯站的资格分配。纵观2024年的EPT赛事,一共会有18个卢浮协议伙伴名额,其中12个会用在IEM 中国站和IEM 达拉斯站上。 IEM 中国站的时间为4月8-14日,赛事共16支参赛队伍,目前 Lynn Vision已经通过中国封闭预选赛拿到了参赛资格。除此之外还有6...
ESL职业联赛 S18将由5EPlay担任国内的直播流制作,虎牙会作为该赛事的播出平台对本次ESL职业联赛 S18进行全程直播。 本届ESL职业联赛 S18将从8月30日一直持续到10月1日,四个小组的比赛都将从每周三晚间进行到下周一凌晨,休息一天后再进行下一组比赛。9月26日淘汰赛阶段将开始,16支晋级队伍进行单淘BO3,角逐出...
ESL Games Online Thousands of online crossword puzzles, matching pairs, jumbled words, hangman games and many, many more. You can play all these games online, on any device—from phone to desktop. Enjoy these games and make progress in English!
Together, we had some unforgettable memories through ESL Play. We have seen players come together across borders and barriers to make new friends, compete in a global community, and the best have risen to become huge stars. Today is not the end of our story as our competitions are moving ...