Rise Above Fate and venture into the cosmic world of ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023. A journey led by no other than Nerif, the Oracle and great foreseer. Explore the vibe of the tournament and see their way to the finals.
Heading into the 2024 calendar year, we wish to share the slot distribution, qualifier, and tournament dates for all of our DOTA 2 tournaments next year.
ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023 Dota 2 , ESL One , ESL $1 000 000 8 113 046 338 239 65h 11.12.23 - 17.12.23 ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023 South America Closed Qualifier Dota 2 , ESL One , ESL - 453 157 32 442 33h 15m 16.11.23 - 19.11.23 ESL One Kuala Lumpur 20...
ESL One Kuala Lumpur: Teams Twelve of the strongest Dota 2 teams will participate in ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023. Three teams were pre-invited. There are two teams each from Western Europe and Eastern Europe Open Qualifier. There is also one team each from MENA, China, Southeast Asia, North...