Rise Above Fate and venture into the cosmic world of ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023. A journey led by no other than Nerif, the Oracle and great foreseer. Explore the vibe of the tournament and see their way to the finals.
ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023 North America Closed Qualifier Dota 2 , ESL One , ESL - 288 155 36 408 32h 55m 16.11.23 - 19.11.23 ESL One Kuala Lumpur 2023 Eastern Europe Closed Qualifier Dota 2 , ESL One , ESL - 730 426 49 098 30h 16.11.23 - 18.11.23 ESL One...
Added Open & Closed Qualifiers to all events going forward Added MENA as qualifier region Both ESL One Kuala Lumpur and ESL One Europe +1 Armor To simplify the impact of the bonus armor increase: Both events feature a $1,000,000 prize pool each now ...