Do you know your level of English? Test your English with ESL's English online test. It's quick, free & helps you evaluate your current English level!
Test your level Chinese Test your level Arabic Test your level Russian Test your level Why take our online language tests? 1 Choose the right course Before you decide to go on a language course abroad, you need to know where you’ll be starting from and what your strengths and weaknesses...
intensive ESL的学期较短,通常是1个半月到3个月为一个学期,这里举例说intensive ESL分为6个level,那如果学生在placement test中的成绩被分到 Level 4,就只需要再读3个学期的intensive ESL就可以成为ESL student。当然,还有两种情况是:1. 学生如果认为自己的英文水平已经有很大进步,又不愿意花太多...
This is approximately your current level of English and you should attempt the grammar and vocabulary exercises at this level.Only use contractions for negatives (don't, wouldn't)1. I a teacher. 2. John car is red. 3. There three eggs in the fridge. 4. Are there potatoes in the ...
ESLAO (English as a Second Language Level A - Beginner) - Level 1基于学生以前的教育和语言知识,引导他们接触英语语言,并帮助他们适应新环境中的多样性。学生将使用初级英语语言技能进行日常和基本学术用途的听、说、读、写。他们将运用基本的英语语言结构和简单的句式进行简短的对话,阅读简短的适应性文本,写出...
ESLAO (English as a Second Language Level A - Beginner) - Level 1基于学生以前的教育和语言知识,引导他们接触英语语言,并帮助他们适应新环境中的多样性。学生将使用初级英语语言技能进行日常和基本学术用途的听、说、读、写。他们将运用基本的英语语言结构和简单的句式进行简短的对话,阅读简短的适应性文本,写出...
SLEP是Secondary Level English Proficiency Test的缩写,即中学生程度英语水平考试(母语为非英语国家的学生初中, 高中的英语能力测验),形象地说就是初中生, 高中生的托福。ESL(English as a Second Language,以英语为第二语言/外语)是针对母语非英语的并把英语作为第二语言的语言学习者的专业英文课程,是外国学生申请...
Don't think that these entry-level IELTS materials are so readily available, they are the lessons learned from the sweat and tears of countless predecessors. That's because in the ancient times of the IELTS test, there were not many IELTS test takers in China, and there were no diverse co...
(placement test or assessment test),根据英语水平,被分到相应level的intensive esl,具体有几个level是由各学校自己制定的,这里举例说intensive esl分为6个level,那如果学生在placement test中的成绩被分到 level 4,就只需要再读3个学期的intensive esl就可以成为esl student(intensive esl的学期较短,通常是1个半月...